Denison Jayasooria
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Dr Denison Jayasooria is a Malaysian social scientists and executive director of Yayasan Strategik Sosial or the Social Strategic Foundation, which is the official thinktank of the Malaysian Indian Congress.
Dr. Jayasooria holds a PhD in Sociology from Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom. He is a Chevening scholar who has been involved in civil society matters for the past two decades. He has worked with Malaysian CARE (1986-1993) and the Yayasan Strategik Sosial (1997-current) on social research, policy input and developing intervention strategies in addressing social ills in Malaysian society.
He is currently a member of the Royal Police Commission; Honorary Chairman for the Standing Committee on Neighbourhood Safety, Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation and Honorary Secretary for the Foundation for Community Studies and Development. He is also member of the National Service Monitoring and Evaluation Team.
Dr Jayasooria also established JJ Resources, a consultancy firm to assist public, private and civil society in the formulation of policies and programmes which will enhance people centered development in the context of a fast, modernising and industrialised nation.
Dr Jayasooria actively gives talks, lectures and undertakes research and training assignments.