User:Demosthenes 1

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the way the world ends,
Not with a bang but a whimper.
-T.S. Eliot

744; 427; 726

Image:Windows Blows.bmp


[edit] Identity

I am a newer member to Wikipedia, and my focus is to correct misspellings and revert vandalism in articles. I would prefer to be refered to as Demosthenes, Masoni, or by any other username or alias I begin using on this website or on any of the other websites I gain membership to.

I am a beginner at best with coding, so I'd greatly appreciate any help you can give me on formatting on Wikipedia. Do you want to know my real name? Or the first alias I ever went by? Well, all things are in order.

[edit] Interests

  • I am interested in codes like those found in Dan Brown's recent literary phenomenon, The Da Vinci Code.
  • I enjoy poetry, so if you've written any poem that you'd like to share, I'd love to read it.

[edit] Writing

I am an aspiring novelist in my free time, and I'd like to share my current projects with you. If you have any ideas on how to improve or add to my ideas below, please, don't hesitate to leave a comment on my Talk Page.

  • "Renegade:" A savior-story about a band of rebels and their unlikely leader overcoming an unimaginably superior foe.
  • "A Universe Divided:" My umbrella name for all my science-fiction ventures, all based in the same universe: one of Thinking Machines and hundreds of habitable planets.

[edit] Specializations

  • Apple Computers and Products (software, hardware, anything.)
  • iPods (these qualify as an Apple product, of course, but I felt it needed special recognition.)
  • World War II
  • Grammar
  • Creative Writing and Literature

So if ever you need help or advice in any of the above-listed areas, I'd be more than happy and willing to help.

[edit] My Website Project: The Masoni Republic

My website, the Masoni Republic, is currently under construction. If anyone were to join my organization, you support would be greatly appreciated. Please visit the Masoni Republic at: Masoni Republic Homepage. Please join the growing organization and check out our sponsor sites: The Nets, dedicated to philosophy and history, and Creative Writers' Forum, dedicated to writing, poetry and other works of literature.

[edit] Favorites

[edit] Favorite Books, in No Particular Order

[edit] Favorite Movies

[edit] Favorite Musical Artists

[edit] Favorite Artists

[edit] Other Websites

If you can't decipher those codes, there's little hope for humanity.

[edit] Contact Information

[edit] Miscellaneous

[edit] Computer used

Dell Inspiron 1200; Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP2

[edit] Computer Wanted

Apple MacBook Pro 17; Mac OS X

[edit] Quotes, Famous and Otherwise

The nearest way to glory is to strive to be what you wish to be thought to be.
It is a blurréd line that lies at the edge of Godhood and Insanity.
-Cortana, Cortana Letters (02)
Things are more like they are now than they ever have been.
Be who you are and say what you feel because those that matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter.
-Dr. Suess
True wisdom is derived from the knowledge that you know nothing.
Blaming your faults on your nature does not change the nature of your faults.
-Sitting Bull