Democratic Policy Committee Chairman of the United States Senate

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Since 1947, the Democratic members of the United States Senate have elected a policy committee chairman. From 1947 to 2000, the Democratic leader was also the policy committee chairman. From 1989 to 1999, there was a co-chairman. Starting in 1999, the co-chairman was dropped and the position of policy committee chairman became a separate elected position.

[edit] List of Democratic Policy Committee Chairmen in the United States Senate

Dates Name State Notes
1947-1949 Alben W. Barkley Kentucky Also Democratic floor leader
1949-1951 Scott W. Lucas Illinois Also Democratic floor leader
1951-1953 Ernest W. McFarland Arizona Also Democratic floor leader
1953-1961 Lyndon Johnson Texas Also Democratic floor leader
1961-1977 Mike Mansfield Montana Also Democratic floor leader
1977-1989 Robert Byrd West Virginia Also Democratic floor leader
George J. Mitchell Maine Also Democratic floor leader
Tom Daschle South Dakota
Also Democratic floor leader
Harry Reid Nevada
1999-present Byron Dorgan North Dakota  
Party conferences in the United States Congress
Senate Republican Conference Senate Senate Democratic Caucus
Conference Chairman Chairperson Caucus Chairperson
Conference Vice-Chair/Secretary Secretary Caucus Secretary
Policy Committee Chair Policy Committee Policy Committee Chair

House Republican Conference House of
House Democratic Caucus
Conference Chairperson Presiding Officer Caucus Chairperson
Vice-Chair Vice Chairman Vice-Chair /
Conference Secretary Secretary
Policy Committee Chair Policy Committee Policy Committee Co-Chair
United States Congress(House of Representatives, Senate)
Members House: Current, Former, Districts (by area) | Senate: Current (by seniority, by age), Former (expelled/censured), Classes
Leaders House: Speaker, Party leaders, Party whips, Dem. caucus, Rep. conference, Dean | Senate: President pro tempore (list), Party leaders, Assistant party leaders, Dem. Caucus (Chair, Secretary, Policy comm. chair), Rep. Conference (Chair, Vice-Chair, Policy comm. chair), Dean
Groups African Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, Caucuses, Committees, Demographics, Senate Women
Agencies, Employees & Offices Architect of the Capitol, Capitol guide service (board), Capitol police (board), Chiefs of Staff, GAO, Government Printing Office, Law Revision Counsel, Librarian of Congress, Poet laureate | House: Chaplain, Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk, Doorkeeper, Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and Operations, Historian, Page (board), Parliamentarian, Postmaster, Reading clerk, Recording Studio, Sergeant at Arms | Senate: Chaplain, Curator, Historian, Librarian, Page, Parliamentarian, Secretary, Sergeant at Arms
Politics & Procedure Act of Congress (list), Caucuses, Committees, Hearings, Joint session, Oversight, Partisan mix of delegations, Rider | House: Committees, History, Jefferson's Manual, Procedures | Senate: Committees, Filibuster, History, Traditions, VPs' tie-breaking votes
Buildings Capitol Complex, Capitol, Botanic Garden | Office buildings– House: Cannon, Ford, Longworth, O'Neill, Rayburn, Senate: Dirksen, Hart, Russell
Research Biographical directory, Congressional Quarterly, Congressional Record, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, The Hill, Roll Call, THOMAS
Misc Mace of the House, Power of enforcement, Scandals, Softball League