Delta Sigma Phi - Delta Phi

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A member of the Magic Five Grand Fraternity and Sorority, also known as Delta Phi or Phi to Magic Five brother group, Delta Sigma Phi is a collegiate and social service fraternity founded in the Philippine College of Criminology and was previously composed of criminology students alone. To date, the fraternity has grew since and other chapters in nearby universities in the Philippines has been established.

It was through the efforts of Atty. Miguel Viacrusis; then a transferee from De LaSalle University, that the Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity was founded on the 7th of August 1968. On that same year, they joined forces of the Crime Buster and Phi Lambda Epsilon, thus being the 3rd brother group of the Magic Five Grand Fraternity and Sorority.

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Quick Facts:

ΔΣΦ = Discipline - Student - Power

Founding Father: Atty. Miguel Viacrusis

Mother Chapter: Philippine College of Criminology

Founding Date: August 7, 1968