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The German company Deutsche Einheit Fernstraßenplanungs- und -bau GmbH (DEGES) was founded on October 7th 1991. The intention was to speed up the planning and preparation of highways in the New Laender.

[edit] Organisation

Participators of DEGES are Federal Republic of Germany (50 %) as well as the federal states Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thuringia with 10 % each. The company resides in Berlin, there are branches in every capitol of the participating federal states. As of 2006, the company employs approximately 250 people.

[edit] Order size

The company is responsible for the construction of 1.350 km Autobahn in the New Laender with a total investment of approx. 9.6 billion , as well as the City-Tunnel in Leipzig.

[edit] External links

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