Defiant class starship (Star Trek)

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In the fictional universe of Star Trek, the Defiant class of starship is a variety of Starfleet vessel, the most well-known being the pathfinder USS Defiant featured in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.


[edit] History and design

The Defiant Development Project's logo from the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual
The Defiant Development Project's logo from the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual

The Defiant class vessel is Starfleet's first warship and one of its most advanced ship designs, conceived in response to the Borg threat. Starfleet's Advanced Starship Design Bureau at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards began the project in 2366. Admiral Batelle Toh was responsible for the project[citation needed]. Benjamin Sisko was also part of the project. After the Borg threat was deemed lower, research and production for these vessels slowed. Engineering problems – particularly in regard to the small ship's overpowered engines – led Starfleet to mothball the project. However, Starfleet put the class into production during the Dominion War.

The design is a semi-saucer fore and a squared-off aft. A short, rectangular extension housing the navigational deflector and an emergency matter/antimatter warhead attaches at the bow. The warp engines are housed on either side of the ship. Unusual for Starfleet vessels, the Defiant class' warp engines are not parallel; their axis intersects less than a ship-length aft of the starship. Another trait distinguishing this class is that it was specifically designed for war. Ablative hull armor allows Defiant class ships to take a considerable beating even after the incapacitation of its shields. The ship has few of the creature comforts that are found on most Starfleet vessels and has small racked bunk-style quarters. The infirmary is small and the design does not include science labs. The normal crew complement is forty-six personnel.

[edit] Known Defiant class starships

USS Defiant (NX-74205) 
The class pathfinder built at the Antares Fleet Yards. The Defiant is assigned to space station Deep Space Nine in 2371 to help protect the Alpha Quadrant from the growing threat from the Dominion. The Romulan Star Empire equipped the ship with a cloaking device for use on intelligence-gathering missions in the Gamma Quadrant. In addition to engaging the Dominion's Jem'Hadar, the Defiant also sees action against Breen, Cardassian and Klingon vessels. The ship is severely damaged while fighting the Borg at the Battle of Sector 001 in 2373 and is destroyed in 2375 after attempting to stop the Dominion and Breen from retaking the Chin'toka system during the Dominion War.
The Defiant retains "NX" in its registry even after the class enters mainstream production. This may be due to the continued presence of the Romulan cloaking device, a feature not shared with the Defiant's sister ships.
USS São Paulo (NCC-75633) 
Assigned to Deep Space Nine after the Defiant's destruction and rechristened as the USS Defiant. The studio did not wish to spend the time or money to redo stock effects shots of the Defiant used to depict this new vessel. As such, exterior shots of the ship include the registry number "NX-74205".
USS Valiant (NCC-74210) 
Used by Starfleet cadets of Red Squad and destroyed by the Dominion in 2374. The only survivors are Jake Sisko, Nog, and Cadet Dorian Collins (DS9: "Valiant").

Two unnamed Defiant class ships are among the task force sent to recapture the starship Prometheus in Star Trek: Voyager's "Message in a Bottle".

Star Trek starship classes
Starfleet: Starfleet starships
Akira | Ambassador | Constellation | Constitution | Danube | Defiant | Excelsior | Galaxy | Hope/Olympic | Intrepid | Miranda | Nebula
New Orleans | Nova | NX† | Oberth | Prometheus | Saber | Sovereign | Steamrunner | Wells | Other Starfleet ships
Andorian Imperial Guard: Kumari | Borg Collective: Borg starships | Cardassian Union: Cardassian starships | Ferengi Alliance: D'Kora
Jem'Hadar: Jem'Hadar starships | Kazon Sects: Kazon ship classes | Klingon Empire: Klingon starships
Romulan Empire: Romulan starships | Suliban Cabal: Suliban cell ship | Vulcan: Vulcan starships | Xindi: Xindi starships

† – Pre-Federation

[edit] See also

  • "The Search" – Episode in which the Defiant class first appears.

[edit] External links

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