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The DEBtox method for the evaluation of effects of toxicants makes use of the Dynamic Energy Budget theory to quantify the effect. See the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report, below, for a description of the method.

A key concept in this method is the determination of the no effect concentration. The DEBtox method is able to extract this parameter efficiently from experimental data by making use of knowledge of how effects will show up in the data if they would be present. Not all details of the DEB theory are used in this method; effects on survival as specified by the hazard model hardly uses any detail of the DEB theory, for instance, but is fully consistent with how DEB theory deals with aging as a result of the effects of free radicals.

[edit] External link

OECD report 54 of "Series on Testing Assessment": Current approaches in the statistical analysis of ecotoxicity data:A guidance to applicationPDF (1.97 MB)