Death From Above (BattleTech)
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In the BattleTech universe, Death From Above is a combat maneuver - usually last-ditch - wherein a BattleMech pilot engages his war machine's jump jets, thrusts the craft to a position above an enemy armoured or mechanised unit, and cuts off the jump jets, thereby visiting from twenty to one hundred tons of metal and fusion reactor on the target.
[edit] General use in war
"Death from above" is also a phrase loosely associated with air support; more specifically the United States Air Force AC-47 Spooky minigun carrier - as well as its successors, the AC-119 Shadow and Stinger minigun/minigun-and-Gatling gun carriers; and the AC-130 Spectre and Spooky chain gun and howitzer/chain gun, autocannon and howitzer carrier.