Deakin Law School

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The Deakin School of Law operates at both the Geelong and Melbourne campuses of Deakin University.

The School of Law commenced in the early 1990's. The school teaches Bachelor of Laws to undergraduate students and a range of postgraduate programs. The law programs at Deakin have an orientation towards commercial law, with practical and theoretical training through small group lectures and tutorials. Students can elect to study towards their degree both on-campus and off-campus.


[edit] Publications

The Law School has two publications in which academics, students, members of the judiciary and practicing lawyers are invited to contribute.

[edit] Student Organisations

Deakin Law Students' Society[1]

All Deakin University law students, whether at Burwood, Geelong or off-campus, are represented by the Deakin Law Students' Society (DLSS). It was formed on the Geelong Campus in 1993, and with the growth of the School of Law, it expanded to the Burwood Campus. The role of both chapters is to offer law students the opportunities to get the most out of their time at university.

Both Chapters have their own committees which run independently from each other. Both committees do however share funds, information and procedures. Each committee is made up of four main portfolios; Activities, Careers, Competitions, and Education.

All committee positions are undertaken on a volunteer basis during the DLSS year; November 1 - October 31. Committee members are elected by Deakin University law student at the respective Chapter AGMs, which are held in September each year.

The Deakin Law Students' Society is an active member of the Australian Law Students' Association (ALSA), a founding member of the Victorian Council of Law Students’ Societies (VCLSS) and the Victorian Women Law Students' Collective (VWLSC).

For more information consult the websites of the respective Chapters

Current 2006 Executive


President: Ryan Conroy

Secretary: Anu Ambikiaipalan

Treasurer: Shaheen Bilwani

VP Activities: Priya Akula

VP Careers: Katie Elder

VP Competitions: Jesse Sharp

VP Education: Maya Rozinsky


President: Damon Hauenstein

Secretary: Faith Hawthorne

Treasurer: Ashley Russell

VP Activities: Naomi Caulfield

VP Careers: Fleur Hewitt

VP Competitions: Tom Davidson

VP Education: Tom Davidson

Major Sponsor

Clayton Utz

Gold Sponsors

Corrs Chambers Westgarth

Mallesons Stephen Jaques

Minter Ellison

Phillips Fox

Blake Dawson Waldron



[edit] See also

[edit] External links