De Volkskrant

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The correct title of this article is de Volkskrant. The initial letter is shown capitalized due to technical restrictions.
de Volkskrant
Front page of De Volkskrant on 31 September 2006
Front page of De Volkskrant on 31 September 2006

Type Daily newspaper
Format 57 cm x 41.5 cm

Owner PCM Uitgevers
Editor Pieter Broertjes
Founded 2 October 1919
Price EUR 1.20 Monday-Friday
& EUR 2.40 Saturday
Headquarters Amsterdam, The Netherlands


De Volkskrant (literally "people's paper") is a national daily Dutch morning newspaper.


[edit] History

De Volkskrant was founded in 1919 and is a daily morning newspaper since 1921. Originally de Volkskrant was a Roman Catholic newspaper, closely linked to the Catholic People's Party and the catholic pillar. On its re-founding in 1945 its office moved from Den Bosch to Amsterdam. [1]It became a left-wing newspaper in the 1960s. Its former clear left wing stance has been watered down since 1980.[2] On August 23, 2006 the Volkskrant published its 25,000th edition.

[edit] Circulation

The daily circulation is 326,000 copies in 2002, which makes it the third biggest newspaper of the Netherlands, after the De Telegraaf and Algemeen Dagblad. The total Dutch newspaper circulation in 2002 was 1.9 million.

[edit] Ownership

De Volkskrant is part of PCM Uitgevers N.V., a publishing company which is also the owner of NRC Handelsblad, Algemeen Dagblad, and Trouw. Until January 1st 2003 the newspaper Het Parool was part of PCM Uitgevers too. In turn the majority of the shares of PCM Uitgevers is owned by UK private equity firm Apax Partners.

[edit] Free newspaper

In October 2006, Volkskrant announced that it would start publishing a free version of its paper targeting youths.[3] Its competitors will be Metro and Spits, two other free dailies. However PCM gave no permission for this so the plan had to be retracted. Instead PCM intends to come with a free newspaper together with investor Marcel Boekhoorn.[4]

[edit] Other

[edit] References

  1. ^ Sommer, Martin Zelfbewust op zoek in de Volkskrant 23 August 2006
  2. ^ Sommer, Martin Zelfbewust op zoek in de Volkskrant 23 August 2006
    "Hoogtepunt en tevens laatste oprisping van het linkse levensgevoel was de beruchte Koninginnedagkrant van 1 mei 1980. [..] De rellen kwamen er en de Volkskrant solidariseerde zich met het oproer. [..] Zo bleef de Volkskrant de progressiviteit trouw, zij het langzamerhand steeds meer in homeopathische verdunning."
  3. ^ Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant to launch free version for younger readers
  4. ^ Trouw PCM en Boekhoorn samen in gratis krant 19 October 2006 [1]
    "In plaats van ieder voor zich willen uitgever PCM en investeerder Marcel Boekhoorn nu samen één gratis krant maken. [..]
    Tot teleurstelling van Volkskrant-hoofdredacteur Pieter Broertjes, die wilde dat de gratis PCM-krant door de Volkskrant zou worden gemaakt. [..] Maar daar gaat nu een streep door. „Onze topman heeft ons steeds voorgehouden dat wij een gratis krant gingen maken”, aldus Broertjes [..] „En nu is de koers ineens verlegd.” Broertjes vindt het jammer dat PCM „het risico niet aandurft om een gratis krant te maken.”

[edit] External link