Day of the Jackanapes

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The Simpsons episode
"Day of the Jackanapes"
Episode no. 261
Prod. code CABF10
Orig. Airdate February 18, 2001
Show Runner(s) Mike Scully
Writer(s) Al Jean
Director Michael Marcantel
Chalkboard "The hamster did not have a 'full life'"
Couch gag Sigmund Freud sits on a chair next to the couch, and Homer, sitting on the couch in a sad manner, says, "Oh doctor, I'm crazy!"
Guest star(s) Kelsey Grammer as Sideshow Bob
Gary Coleman as himself
SNPP capsule
Season 12
November 1, 2000May 20, 2001
  1. Treehouse of Horror XI
  2. A Tale of Two Springfields
  3. Insane Clown Poppy
  4. Lisa the Tree Hugger
  5. Homer vs. Dignity
  6. The Computer Wore Menace Shoes
  7. The Great Money Caper
  8. Skinner's Sense of Snow
  9. HOMR
  10. Pokey Mom
  11. Worst Episode Ever
  12. Tennis the Menace
  13. Day of the Jackanapes
  14. New Kids on the Blecch
  15. Hungry, Hungry Homer
  16. Bye Bye Nerdie
  17. Simpson Safari
  18. Trilogy of Error
  19. I'm Goin' to Praiseland
  20. Children of a Lesser Clod
  21. Simpsons Tall Tales
List of all Simpsons episodes...

"Day of the Jackanapes" is the thirteenth episode of the twelfth season of The Simpsons. It aired on February 18, 2001.


[edit] Synopsis

When the popular game show Me Wantee! steals ratings from The Krusty the Klown Show, Krusty, annoyed with the network executives, announces his fifth—and final—retirement. During an interview with Kent Brockman, he says he's tired of doing his show, and admits to taping Judge Judy over all his old shows featuring Sideshow Bob. Sideshow Bob vows revenge by plotting to kill Krusty. He is released from prison and gets a job at Springfield Elementary as an assistant janitor. However, Skinner decides to make him the morning announcer. Over the announcements, he asks Bart to meet him in the abandoned tool shed. Sideshow Bob hypnotizes Bart, and programs him to smash a statue of Krusty at a local Krusty Burger location. The next night is Krusty's farewell special, and as Krusty describes the history of his career, Bob straps Bart with explosives in order to kill Krusty. Bart attempts to hug Krusty, thereby setting off the explosives, but before he can Krusty talks about how he regrets mistreating Sideshow Bob. Bob decides not to go through with the plan, but does not have time to stop it from being carried out. Luckily, Mr. Teeny, Krusty's trained chimp, sees the life-threatening explosives, which he throws into the network executives' office. Although Krusty and Bob reconcile, Bob is sentenced to death by guillotine, but never ends up happening after he tells Chief Wiggum that he should have a trial for what he did.

[edit] Cultural references

[edit] Trivia

[edit] Quotes

  • Krusty: Eh, this quiz show crap is just a fad.
    Male Executive: Well, fad or not, it's here to stay.
    Lindsay Naegle: And it's killing your show in the ratings.
  • Krusty: Mukluk!
  • Marge: Well, I think it's a good thing for a show to go off the air before it becomes stale and repetitive.
    Smithers: [bursts in] Maggie shot Mr. Burns again!
    [No one seems impressed.]
    • (The punchline of this joke has been censored because of the D.C. Area Sniper; it has subsequently been censored in syndication as well.)
  • Sideshow Bob: Well, Krusty, this is your Waterloo. Soon, you'll be Napoleon Blown-apart!
    Cameraman: Ugh! Terrible.
    Sideshow Bob: Oh, hush up, Leo.
  • Sideshow Bob: You've erased my past! Now I shall erase your future!
    Guard: Lights out in there!
    Sideshow Bob: Oh, honestly! At Chino, they get to stay up 'til nine.
    Guard: Now, Bob, I've talked to the warden at Chino and that's just not true.
  • Krusty's Song to Sideshow Bob:
    (to the tune "Mandy")
    Oh Bo-ob!
    You repaid my abuse with raw hatred,
    But I need you today.
    Oh Bo-ob!
    Well, you went to Apu's and you framed me,
    So they locked me away,
    Oh Bo-ob!
  • Bart: (hypnotized) Hello, family.
    Marge: Where have you been, young man? It's nearly bedtime.
    Bart: I was...I was...
    Sideshow Bob (in Bart's mind): If anyone asks, you were at the flower shop.
    Bart: I was at the flower shop.
    Homer: Oh yeah, uh, I was at the flower shop, too. Yep! Gettin' drunk at the ol' flower shop!
  • Krusty: Folks, I've been in showbiz for sixty-one years, but now these jerks have sucked all the fun out of it. I don't need twelve suits tellin' me which way to pee!
    Male Executive: Uh, for "pee," could you substitute "whiz"?
    Female Executive: I don't know, that could upset the Cheez Whiz people.
    Male Executive: I was just thinking that.
    Krusty: I can't take it anymore!
  • Executive: You can kill me, but two more will take my place!
  • Sideshow Bob: Rakes, my old archenemy.
    Bart: I thought I was your archenemy.
    Sideshow Bob: I have a life outside of you, Bart.
  • Sideshow Bob is trying to hypnotise Bart
    Sideshow Bob: You are in my power.
    Bart: I am at your command.
    Sideshow Bob: I didn't say anything about commands. If you're in my power, say so.
    Bart: I am in your power.
    Sideshow Bob: Good. Actually, go back to command. No, power, power!
  • The police, eating at a Krusty Burger, see Bart and Sideshow Bob smashing a statue of Krusty with a baseball bat.
    Eddie: Chief, you might want to take a look outside.
    Sideshow Bob: (to Bart) That's it! Kill Krusty! Just like you'll kill him tomorrow night!
    Chief Wiggum: Oh, it ... it's so great seeing a kid use a wooden bat. These days, it's all aluminum this, and George W. that.
  • Lisa: Bart's a brainwashed killing machine!
    Homer: Eh, so was I at his age.
    (This scene was in a FOX promo but was not heard in the episode, even during the first airing)

[edit] External links