
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] David Göthberg


This user is a participant in the WikiProject Cryptography.

  while( !wikipedia && !dance )
      This user is a programmer.

dance This user dances waltz, samba, jitterbug and more.
sv Den här användaren talar svenska som modersmål.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.

I was born in 1969 and I am a native of Gothenburg/Göteborg on the Swedish west coast. That's in Scandinavia in northern Europe. I speak Swedish, English and German and understand the Scandinavian languages.

I mostly write in the English Wikipedia but it does happen that I fix stuff on the German and Swedish Wikipedia too. Since my German spelling and grammar is terrible I mostly just add interwiki links to articles in English and Swedish...

If you want to know more about me go to my real web site, (English) or (Swedish).

I am involved in the Randpeer project. (Alternate link)

I do love Wikipedia since it has provided me with answers to many of my questions during the last years. More and more often when I do a search with Google it suggests an article in Wikipedia! And the Wikipedia article usually turns out to be one of the best sources on whatever topic I was searching for.

So naturally I want to join in and make Wikipedia even better!

I think Wikipedia is like the web on steroids. And I have no doubt that Wikipedia will be (if it isn't already) the best encyclopaedia the human race has ever seen. Apart from the web itself that is. But hey, Wikipedia is a part of the web...

I started editing Wikipedia in September 2004 when I saw a red link to filmjölk in an article about Swedish food. And I immediately got hooked. (Now that link to filmjölk sure is not red anymore!) But I hopefully will have much more to contribute over time since I am an engineer, researcher and teacher by profession and by habit. By the way, I have used computers since 1982, Fidonet since 1990 and the Internet since 1991. So yeah, I am an old computer geek.

One reason I have not done that many original pages yet is that mostly when I think of something I want to write about I discover there are already an article on the subject. But I have done minor edits on a number of pages. And my number of edits is continuously growing.

As usual in Wikipedia if you want to communicate with a user (me in this case) leave a message on my talk page. I do take a look there occasionally and as you might know Wikipedia automatically informs me of any new messages/edits on my talk page when I log in.

.../David Gothberg

[edit] Articles I started out

  • Filmjölk - A kind of food that we eat in Sweden and some other countries. Unfortunately the article came under extensive attack by some Finns so I gave up on it and left it. However the wiki process seems to work, over time other editors have made it better and in the end the attackers gave up.
  • Hash list - A method used to detect errors in data such as files in for instance p2p networks.
  • Hash tree - Another method used to detect errors in data such as files in for instance p2p networks.
  • Naprapathy - A kind of manual medicine similar to chiropractic.
  • Hash functions based on block ciphers - Well, really a merger and major rework and extension of three small articles.
  • Merkle-Damgård construction - Based on a section that was in two other articles. I cut them out and reworked and extended the text.
  • Ivan Damgård - Translated the french article using
  • Key strengthening - Cryptographic methods to make weak keys such as passwords stronger.
  • Clock drift - Well, really a major rework and extension of the original small and confused article.

[edit] Articles I have made images for

[edit] Templates I made

Templates I created or done major reworks of or are planning to make:

[edit] Todo list / Articles I want to fix

  • Lamport signature - Make the article readable for non mathematicians... It's really a pretty simple algorithm. And perhaps make an image too that shows how it works.
  • Superencryption - Add stuff about "sufficiently independent" keys. Add redirects from "cascading encryption" etc. Perhaps make an image too?
  • Network address translation - Add images to that article. I already have some good well tested slides about that since once upon a time I was a teacher in that subject! Just need to remake them in a proper format for Wikipedia.
  • Cryptographic hash function - Make these two sections clearer: "Cryptographic properties" and "List of cryptographic hash functions".
  • Merge AEAD block cipher modes of operation with Authenticated encryption.

[edit] Images I created and uploaded

A hash list with a top hash
A hash list with a top hash
A binary hash tree
A binary hash tree

A typical hash function at work
A typical hash function at work
A typical hash function at work
A typical hash function at work

A hash table
A hash table
A hash table with a hash collision resolved by chaining
A hash table with a hash collision resolved by chaining

A hash table with a hash collision resolved by open addressing (linear probing)
A hash table with a hash collision resolved by open addressing (linear probing)
The Davies-Meyer hash construct
The Davies-Meyer hash construct

The Matyas-Meyer-Oseas hash construct
The Matyas-Meyer-Oseas hash construct
The Miyaguchi-Preneel hash construct
The Miyaguchi-Preneel hash construct

The Merkle-Damgard hash construction
The Merkle-Damgard hash construction

A big random number is used to make a public-key pair.
A big random number is used to make a public-key pair.
Any one can encrypt by using the public key, but only the owner of the private key can decrypt the message.
Any one can encrypt by using the public key, but only the owner of the private key can decrypt the message.

The owner of the private key can sign a message, and any one can verify the signature by using the public key.
The owner of the private key can sign a message, and any one can verify the signature by using the public key.
By combining your own private key with the other users public key you can calculate a shared secret that only you two know.
By combining your own private key with the other users public key you can calculate a shared secret that only you two know.

The SHA1 hash function exhibits good avalanche effect. When a single bit is changed the hash sum becomes totally different.
The SHA1 hash function exhibits good avalanche effect. When a single bit is changed the hash sum becomes totally different.

Made as a suggestion for the discussion on Template talk:Navigation bar.
Made as a suggestion for the discussion on Template talk:Navigation bar.

[edit] Unused pictures (perhaps to be deleted)

A hash list with a top hash
A hash list with a top hash
A binary hash tree
A binary hash tree

A hash table.
A hash table.
A hash table.
A hash table.

[edit] Links for David's personal use

  • - The excellent wiki search and translation site.
  • User:Cacycle/editor - The very nice editor extensions for the Wikipedia editing window.
  • User:Cacycle/wikEd - Newer version of the very nice editor extensions for the Wikipedia editing window. (Not tried this one yet.)
  • Wikipedia:Tools/Navigation popups - Navigation popups offer easy access to article previews and several Wikipedia functions in popup windows which appear when you hover the mouse over links.

[edit] Vandals I am watching

This section deleted/censored on order of some Wikipedia administrators. I am still waiting for a proper explanation why.


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