From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
# If using the page source, remove the <pre> tag and the closing tag
# before running through the PERL interpreter.
# Start with the wiki source of an page containing a list of mostly red links.
# add the following changes:
# Drop any ' characters
# If any hyphens, lcase all but first character, then replace - by space
# word1 word2 ... wordn -> word1 wordn and word1 word2
# Uncapitalize all but first word
# Copies stdin to stdout
use POSIX qw(strftime);
$gmt = strftime "%b %d %Y %H:%M", gmtime;
print "Processed $gmt UTC\n\n";
print "'''Note:''' A \"blue link\" in the main column does not guarantee that the WP entry is\n";
print "on the same topic as the EB entry. If there is the slightest ambiguity, please check.\n\n";
while (<>) {
if (/{{/ || /^$/ || /\[\[Category:/) {
if (! /^#/) {
print "<br> Article in EB2004: '''[[".$_."]]'''\n";
if (/'/) {
$noquote = $_;
($noquote = $_) =~ s/'//;
print "<br>[[".$noquote."]]\n";
if (/-/) {
print "<br>[[".ucfirst(lc)."]]\n";
s/-/ /g;
print "<br>[[".$_."]]\n";
@words = split(/ /);
$nwords = $#words;
$firstword = $words[0];
if ($nwords > 1) {
$lastword = $words[$nwords];
printf "<br>[[%s %s]]\n", $firstword, $lastword;
printf "<br>[[%s %s]]\n", $firstword, $words[1];
if ($nwords > 0) {
print "<br>[[".$firstword;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nwords; $i++) {
print " ".lc($words[$i]);
print "]]\n";