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In ADO.NET, a DataReader object is used to sequentially read data from a data source of any kind. Two common data sources used are SQL Servers via System.Data.SqlClient or OLE DB via System.Data.OleDb.
A DataReader is usually accompanied by a Command object that contains information about the query and which connection object to query on.
Sample of accessing SQL Data using DataReader
void DataTest() { SqlConnection conn1 = new SqlConnection("Initial_Catalog=test,Integrated_Security=SSPI"); conn1.Open() SqlCommand mycommand = new SqlCommand("select * from test", conn1); SqlDataReader myreader = mycommand.ExecuteReader(); while(myreader.Read()) { Console.WriteLine(myreader.GetValue(0).ToString()); } myreader.Close(); mycommand.Dispose(); conn1.Dispose(); }