
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

About me:

I am darakat, I don't like giving out my real name, it makes me nervous. Anyway I am here mostly becuase I like the site and using is as a resource and beinge able to add or edit a thing or two is good as well. I have a website, or two, and they will be added to this page as soon as I get arround to it. I am a student at University of Canberra doing Bacholor of Information Technology/ Communication (Information). I am a vicious genrallist and enjoy pretty much eveything, execpt pain and people insulting me. My religious beliefs could be ammounted to somthing rather like that of a little old granny who collects bits of string in case one day it may be useful. They meet quite a lot of simmilarities to wicca and neopagan beliefs though. I have a busy, active life, that doesn't seem to get out as much as it should, and its getting buiser and buiser all the time. So I shall update this page when I can.