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In the fictional world of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time fantasy series, Darkfriends are followers of the Dark One. Darkfriend in the Old Tongue is Atha'an Shadar, which translated more directly to "People of the Dark".

Darkfriends may or may not have any true loyalty or allegiance to the Dark One; some only desire the power and immortality promised, and some of the most high ranking Chosen even suggest that they desire to overthrow the Dark One and take his place (Lanfear, for example). They are kept in check through threats of punishment (or actual punishment) by higher ranking Darkfriends.

Rank in the outside world has no bearing in the world of Darkfriends. Among Darkfriends, beggars can and do outrank kings and queens.

Darkfriends in general only follow the Dark one indirectly, as most have never communicated with him directly except for swearing their oaths at Shayol Ghul. Ba'alzamon, a supposed name for the Dark One, is actually an alias of the Chosen Ishamael, for example.

Darkfriends refer to the Dark One as the Great Lord of the Dark, instead of his true name, Shai'tan. Rand al'Thor asks Lanfear why they do this and she replies, "It would be blasphemy."