Dark Jedi

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Dark Jedi is the somewhat misleading name given in the Star Wars fictional universe to those beings who are Force-attuned and adept at the dark side of the Force. They exist only in the Expanded Universe; the term is never used in any of the six Star Wars films, even when the opportunity to do so arises (notably Qui-Gon Jinn's initial report to the Jedi Council during The Phantom Menace).


[edit] Qualifications

A Dark Jedi
A Dark Jedi

Dark Jedi is a label to a specific archetype of characters in the Star Wars Expanded Universe defined as force-attuned beings that meet two requirements. One, they do not hold themselves to the dogma of either the Jedi or the Sith, and two, they use their force abilities for less than virtuous acts, one that would normally be looked down upon by the Jedi Order. As it has been mentioned, the concept of Dark Jedi is not endorsed anywhere within the movie trilogy. Dark Jedi in the Expanded Universe typically refer to students of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy who have fallen to the Dark Side. Dark Jedi are also extremely common in the Jedi Knight series of Star Wars video games where Kyle Katarn uncovers Imperial plots linked to Dark Jedi. In Jedi Outcast, Kyle Katarn faces an entire army of Dark Jedi. In the Jedi Knight 2, Dark Jedi is used to describe the army of cloned, and lightly trained force users who follow the main antagonist.

Dark Jedi are not to be confused with Sith; that is, the Sith Order has its own codes and secrets, which are not known to any non-member, even those who join the dark side of the Force. Dark Jedi usually refers to former Jedi who have fallen to the dark side. The first Dark Jedi, led by Xendor, were the predecessors of the Sith.

Because the term Sith was never heard from the dialogues in the original trilogy, early Expanded Universe products usually considered the "evil Jedi," those who joined the dark side of the Force, as "Dark Jedi." In his famous novel series The Thrawn Trilogy, author Timothy Zahn labeled Sith Lord Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine as Dark Jedi, and the term "Sith" was never mentioned in the series.

[edit] Common usage

Dark Jedi use the Force for their own ends while attempting to utilize other powers of the Force, owing no allegiance. Strength and abilities are unrounded and often unhoned, e.g. while a Dark Jedi can use Jedi and Sith Force arts, only a true Jedi or Sith can master the nuances. True Sith and Jedi must be ordained and approved by their respective masters in order to gain access to the true powers of their respective organizations.

The term is a convenient shorthand description for such beings who can manipulate the Force. But it is nevertheless a misleading designation for the reason that many, if not most, Dark Jedi have never actually been members of the Jedi Order (especially after the Great Jedi Purge, in which case it would be impossible). Emperor Palpatine trained many Force-sensitive beings in the ways of the dark side of the Force, but most were never inititated into the rites and secrets of the Sith. Force-sensitive individuals seem to arise spontaneously and may definitely become adept at the Force without Jedi or Sith involvement. It is true, however, that many notable Dark Jedi have received at least some Jedi training.

Palpatine did not consider himself completely bound by Sith tradition (he had begun training his first apprentice, Darth Maul, prior to the death of his own Master, Darth Plagueis, which was a major violation of Darth Bane's Rule of Two), and it was believed by some (including his second apprentice, Darth Tyranus) that he planned to eventually do away with the Rule of Two entirely in order to have legions of Sith at his disposal. The legions of Dark Jedi who served the Galactic Empire (including the Emperor's Hands, the Emperor's Royal Guard, the Emperor's Secret Order, the Imperial Inquisitorius, and other various Dark Side Adepts) seem to support this theory.

It is also worthy of note that, though a Dark Jedi may believe him- or herself to be acting for a "greater good," the dark side of the Force is a path that proves ultimately self-destructive (as was the case when Ulic Qel-Droma, Revan, and Anakin Skywalker fell to the dark side), regardless of the motives or misguided morals of those who walk it. Mara Jade is another primary example of a Dark Jedi who served evil (in this case, Emperor Palpatine) but still mistakenly believed her actions to be just. Eventually, she turned from the dark side, but still carried the teachings of the Emperor with her, such as her lightsaber techniques. Contrary to the Jedi method of purging emotion and gaining power via meditation and practice, Dark Jedi, like Sith, allow their emotions to empower them.

Some of the more notable Dark Jedi (besides the Sith Lords) include Asajj Ventress, Joruus C'Baoth, and Mara Jade.

[edit] Palpatine's Dark Side Elite

Following the death of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor and his subsequent resurrection in a clone body six years later, a new organization of Imperial Dark Jedi appeared. A cadre of seven darksiders (who were in actuality little more than an extension of the Emperor's will) did most of Palpatine's bidding during this time. These seven Dark Jedi were known as the Dark Side Elite. Two of their number were killed and replaced during the early events of the reborn Palpatine's Operation Shadow Hand. These ten included Sedriss, Vill Goir, Zasm Katth, Baddon Fass, Krdys Mordi, Kvag Gthull, Tedryn-Sha, Xecr Nist, T'iaz, and Kam Solusar. All were eventually killed or captured, with the exception of Solusar, who was redeemed by Luke Skywalker and became an integral member of the New Jedi Order.

[edit] Grey Jedi

Grey Jedi, although having completed the teachings of the Jedi Order, are Jedi that had either been exiled or had disassociated themselves from the Jedi Council. Consequently, they operate independently outside the Jedi Order. The Jedi Council typically sees them as misguided, though they have not necessarily succumbed to the dark side of the Force. They are the mavericks of the Jedi Order, and often stray closer to the dark side than most. Jolee Bindo, Revan, the Jedi Exile, Kreia, Jon Antilles, the Dark Woman, and Kyle Katarn are commonly identified as Grey Jedi, although Katarn returned to the Light Side. In Knights of the Old Republic II, it is possible to acquire a Grey Jedi Robe. Grey Jedi usually carry silver lightsabers but it is quite likely to see one carrying their lightsaber from their jedi times.

[edit] Notable Dark Jedi

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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