Dark Brotherhood

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The Dark Brotherhood is a cult and assassin's guild in The Elder Scrolls game series, including The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.


[edit] Description

The Dark Brotherhood is a group of assassins and dark wizards who split off from the Morag Tong. They do not follow the customs of the Morag Tong and are illegal throughout the empire.

The Morag Tong was founded in Morrowind by the Chimer in the First Era. Initially it was a semi-religious means to prevent, with selectively calculated killings, massive internal bloodshed which the Chimer could ill-afford, having been a small faction at the time. Although they were a society of murder, they utilized strict internal laws and an extensive system of checks and balances to ensure that they stayed true to their original intent. Early on in the history of the order, however, a splinter group broke away, composed primarily of sociopaths and sadists who had been wrongfully inducted into the Tong; they would later take to calling themselves the Dark Brotherhood. Abandoning the values and stringent conservatism of their parent organization, they turned completely from their semi-virtuous past and quickly devolved into a death cult. Turning from the original worship of their patron Mephala, in to the worship of Sithis, the Serpent God of Death, who represents the worst of Daedric aspects. Their patron became Mehrunes Dagon, the Daedra Prince of unmitigated destruction and chaos. Their murders were no longer always motivated by altruism or even by money, and they frequently abducted innocents whose souls would be sacrificed in Daedric and Necromantic ceremonies.

As the order began to expand, its expenses began to increase, and soon the Dark Brothers took a page from their almost unrecognizable past; they turned to enterprise. Instead of randomly selected victims, the Brotherhood began to conduct secret interviews and make its services available to those with money; before long, a thriving business had sprung up, and the profits allowed the order to afford more manpower and to employ more elaborate schemes. In modern nights, the Brotherhood is one of the most feared organizations in Tamriel, and rightfully so; even other sinister or deadly groups avoid contact with them if at all possible. The Necromancers fear their volatility, preferring a slow and methodical approach to the Dark side of magic. Lawful organizations and even criminal cartels shun them, at least officially, as there are few who would willingly risk association with such practices. Unofficially, however, such high-profile organizations as the Fighters' Guild and even the Imperial Legion make frequent use of the timely and often indispensable commodity they deal. If there is one contemporarily extant group which does not outright loathe the very mention of their name, it is likely the Dunmeri House Telvanni.

The Morag Tong, on the other hand, is now limited to operations within Morrowind Province, as this is the only part of the Empire that recognizes it as a legal guild. As the Dark Brotherhood doesn't trouble itself with legalities, it has spread across the continent. They now have a monopoly across the empire, and often abduct and eliminate Morag Tong members and informants when found outside of Morrowind.

[edit] Structure

A member of the Dark Brotherhood must follow 5 rules known as 'the five tenets' if they break one they will need to defeat 'The Wrath of Sithis' to may return to the Dark Brotherhood. The five tenets are:

1. Never dishonour the Night Mother. To do so is to invoke the wrath of Sithis.

2. Never betray the Dark Brotherhood or its secrets. To do so is to invoke the wrath of Sithis.

3. Never disobey or refuse carry out an order from a Dark Brotherhood superior. To do so is to invoke the wrath of Sithis.

4. Never steal the posession of a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. To do so is to invoke the wrath of Sithis.

5. Never kill a Dark Brother or a Dark Sister. To do so is to invoke the wrath of Sithis.

[edit] Sithis the Dread Father

Sithis is referred to as the Dread Father and is the patron being of the Dark Brotherhood. According to the Brotherhood's belief, every soul murdered by a Dark Brother or Sister joins Sithis in "The Void". His bride is the Night Mother who serves as grandmistress of the Dark Brotherhood.

Whenever a member breaks one of the five tenets of the Dark Brotherhood, a spirit called the Wrath of Sithis will attack that person in his or her sleep. The Dark Brother or Sister must defeat this ghost in order to gain readmission into the Dark Brotherhood. It is unknown whether this spirit is actually from or related to Sithis, or if it is merely a tool used by the Brotherhood to keep members in line.

The actual, literal truth surrounding Sithis is very difficult for the player to interpret, as virtually everything said about Sithis is allegorical. He has been defined as definitely not a god, but rather, something "else". He has been compared to an extremely cold, cloudless midnight, as well as the state of mind involved in the act of cold-blooded murder. He has been associated with Dagoth Ur of Morrowind, and an in-game book within the video game Daggerfall describes Sithis as a twisted corruption of the concept of the "void", viewed as peaceful, safe, and holy by the High Elves. Due to this high level of ambiguity, it could be postulated that perhaps this is an actual aspect of Sithis. Though he is spoken of as an actual entity, he could, in theory, be merely an anthropomorphic interpretation of unconscious, non-sentient thoughts, emotions, or phenomena, as is the case in certain interpretations of several Hindu deities in the real world. He is also called the "Serpent God of Death", and is associated by some scholars with the constellation of The Serpent. Additionally, some players have noted the similarities between some of his alleged features and the Judeo-Christian concept of Sheol. It is unknown how or even if Sithis fits in with the religious chaos/order dualism featured throughout The Elder Scrolls.

[edit] Ranks within the Brotherhood

[edit] The Night Mother

At the real "head" of the Dark Brotherhood hierarchy is the Night Mother, an immortal spirit who is revered and worshipped by the Brotherhood. She is only ever met face-to-face in very exceptional circumstances. When a person prays for the death of another, the Night Mother hears, and passes on the details of the prayer to her Listener. At this point, the Listener informs a Speaker, who then goes to meet the hiring party in order to draw up a contract. It is said that the Night Mother sacrificed herself and her children to Sithis many years ago, and that she now guides her Listener through the Statue of the Lucky Old Lady in Bravil.

In the book Fire and Darkness: The Brotherhoods of Death, the Night Mother is identified with the Daedra Lord Mephala. This seems unlikely, however, as the in-game voices of Mephala and the Night Mother do not sound the same.

[edit] The Black Hand

Beneath the Night Mother are five elite members of the Brotherhood, known as the Black Hand. The Black Hand is made up of four Speakers and one Listener, representing the four fingers and the thumb of the Black Hand. Each of the Speakers gets his/her personal assassin, known as 'Silencers'.

[edit] Listener

The Listener is the highest ranked member of the Dark Brotherhood, second only to the Night Mother herself. The Night Mother speaks directly to the Listener, informing him/her of the names and locations of those who have prayed to the Night Mother for a killing to be carried out. The Listener then gives these names to a Speaker.

[edit] Speaker

When a Speaker has received a name from the Listener, the Speaker must then seek out that individual to work out the details of the assassination. It is also the responsibility of the Speakers to recruit new members into the Dark Brotherhood.

[edit] Silencer

Outside of the Black Hand itself, the rank of Silencer is virtually unknown. Each Speaker has his or her Silencer, a personal elite assassin employed to carry out the Speaker's personal 'business'. The Silencers represent the talon/nail of each finger of the Black Hand.

[edit] Other ranks

There are five known ranks outside of the Black Hand. Upon entering the Dark Brotherhood, the new recruit has the rank of "Murderer", the lowest of the Brotherhood ranks.

  • Murderer
  • Slayer
  • Eliminator
  • Assassin

The rank of "Executioner" is shown in the Construction Set for Oblivion, but does not appear in the game. It is listed as the rank between Assassin and Speaker.

[edit] Recruitment

Two of the Dark Brotherhood's recruitment methods are revealed in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. When a person commits murder in cold blood it is likely that the Dark Brotherhood have been watching from the shadows. The next time the murderer sleeps in a location deemed to be secure, a Speaker will approach the murderer and ask him/her to join the Brotherhood. Secondly, when an Argonian is born under the sign of the Shadow, he/she is trained by an order known as the Shadow Scales, and pending the end of their training, recruited by the Dark Brotherhood.

Additionally, the Dark Brotherhood has been known to recruit through proxy. In The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, when a spate of murders is committed in cold blood and without an arrest, the Brotherhood instigates an investigation. Usually the serial killings must only go on so long as it takes the Brotherhood to discover the identity of the killer, at which point they dispatch a courier with a letter requesting the murder of a specific person. Once this murder has been carried out, another letter is dispatched requesting the secret murder (i.e. a murder which is untraceable) of another specific person. If this is accomplished to satisfaction, the Brotherhood dispatches a third courier to provide contact information.

[edit] The Brotherhood in Cyrodiil

In Cyrodiil, at least one sanctuary (a kind of chapter house) of the Brotherhood is known to exist in the City of Cheydinhal. That sanctuary is under the leadership of Speaker Lucien Lachance. Other people of interest there include:

  • Vicente Valtieri, a Breton vampire and quest-giver
  • Ocheeva, Argonian and quest-giver
  • M'raaj-Dar, a Khajiit merchant
  • Telaendril, a Bosmer hunter who is often away from the Sanctuary
  • Gogron gro-Bolmog, an Orc who prefers direct combat to stealth
  • Teinaava, an Argonian hunter
  • Antoinetta Marie, a Breton huntress

Furthermore, it is said that the Count of Cheydinhal, Andel Indarys, is aware of the secret Sanctuary, but that death threats and bribes have kept his mouth shut.

[edit] Other Sanctuaries in Cyrodiil

While their locations are never revealed (oddly, since the player may obtain the guildmaster position), it is stated that other Dark Brotherhood sanctuaries exist throughout Cyrodiil, possibly in each town. However, another locale in which the protagonist will travel in the Dark Brotherhood questline is the abandoned Fort Farragut in the Valus Mountains, east of Cheydinhal. It is there that Speaker Lucien Lachance takes up residence. A Bethesda-released plug-in which can be purchased from the official website contains a hideout called "The Vile Lair", also known as "Deepscorn Hollow". It is meant to provide a safe haven for characters that are oriented towards the darker aspects of the game (assassination, vampirism, etc.) The lair is built around "The Crimson Scar", a faction within the Dark Brotherhood glorifying vampirism. This faction strove to glorify vampirism in the Dark Brotherhood, making the disease a membership requirement. This faction was ended when the head of it was murdered by a Brotherhood assassin. Deepscorn Hollow also contains an altar to Sithis.

New sanctuaries will be added in The Dark Brotherhood.com's mod "Awakening," see external links below.

[edit] The Brotherhood in Morrowind

The Brotherhood is also represented in the province of Morrowind. On the island of Vvardenfell, several operatives were scattered around some of the major towns; the local sanctuary was situated in an abandoned Daedric ruin, an appropriate hideout, considering the Brotherhood's sinister character. The headquarters for Morrowind was situated in the ruins of subterranean Old Mournhold, beneath the City of Mournhold, on the mainland.

In the Morrowind expansion Tribunal, Dunmer assassins attempt to kill the player in their sleep, which eventually allows the player to gain access to the city of Mournhold. The attacks continue randomly until the player completes the Tribunal questline.

[edit] External links

Organizations of The Elder Scrolls
Military/Mercenary: Blades | Buoyant Armigers | Fighters' Guild | Imperial Legion | Ordinators
Religious/Mystical: Mages' Guild | Tribunal Temple
Covert: Camonna Tong | Dark Brotherhood | Morag Tong | Thieves' Guild
Houses of Morrowind: House Dagoth | House Hlaalu | House Redoran | House Telvanni
In other languages