Dante Alighieri Society

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The Dante Alighieri Society was formed in Italy in July 1889 with the intention of creating a society to promote Italian culture and language around the world, especially among the expatriate Italian community.

The society was named after Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), a pre-Renaissance poet from Florence and the author of The Divine Comedy, who is considered the father of the Italian language.

In October 1948 the Society was restructured at a meeting in Venice to give total autonomy to all chapters of the Dante Society so that each could conduct its activities independently, under the direction of its own elected officers, in a manner that best suited local needs, preferences and capacities while adhering to the Society's basic principles.

The sole purpose of the Dante Alighieri Society is to 'promote the study of the Italian language and culture throughout the world...a purpose independent of political ideologies, national or ethnic origins or religious beliefs, and that the Society is the free association of people - not just Italians - but all people everywhere who are united by their love for the Italian languages and culture and the spirit of universal humanism that these represent.'

The society operates throughout the world, with branches from America to Australia. Many societies offer language courses, ranging from tourist and beginner's Italian to advanced literature, in addition to their cultural activities.

[edit] Dante Societies around the World

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