Danish Atheist Society
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The Danish Atheist Society (in Danish: Ateistisk Selskab) was founded in November 2002 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The organisation is independent of political parties.
The mission of Danish Atheist Society is:
- to be an organisation for non-believers
- to work for the total separation between religion and state, to make all people equal regardless of their religious views and worldviews.
- to enlighten the public about the atheist point of view and thus limit prejudices against atheists
- to encourage people to think critically and independent about life and existence
- to support those, that wish to relate to their doubt and scepticism in a predominantly religious world
Of these the biggest issue is the separation of state and church in Denmark, where the constitution ("Grundloven") currently stipulates that the lutheran protestant church "Folkekirken" is the official state church supported by the state.
The Danish Atheist Society is a member of Atheist Alliance International, which is an alliance of atheist organisations around the world.
[edit] Members
When it was founded the Danish Atheist Society had 15 members. As of October 2006 it has around 300 members throughout Denmark.
According to the bylaws membership can be given to anyone who
- is an atheist and areligious
- agrees with the bylaws of the organisation
- pays the annual fee, set by the general assembly, in advance
By atheist is understood a person who does not believe in any deity. By areligious is understood a person who does not profess to any religion.