Daniel Dugas

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Daniel Dugas (born in Montréal, Canada) is an experimental artist, who engages with new media, sound art, performance and installation. He currently lives in Calgary, Alberta.

His art practice has evolved around themes of Economy, and issues of Power. Boom or bust economies, mechanisms of exchange, the rise and the collapse of opportunities, all are elements that he has used to explore the nature of wealth.

Dugas is a founding member of IMAGO, an artist run print shop in New Brunswick; the TRUNK© gallery, an alternative exhibition space and; the EMMAX Club in Calgary, a Max/MSP Jitter software based club hosted by EMMEDIA. Dugas is a published poet, his fourth book of poetry: La Limite élastique, 1998, was published by Les Éditions Perce-Neige. He is currently teaching in the Media Arts and Digital Technology Department at the Alberta College of Art and Design.

He has exhibited the interactive network installation: do_wild_loops; do_wild_jumps; (big ceo’s talking to small bugs) throughout Canada.

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