Dan Winslow

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Dal Winslow was born August 2 1939 in Redmond Oregon

His musical career started in 1957 when he was in a lot of rock 'n' roll bands. In 1961 he joined The Rivingtons and then later with The Trashmen.

His voice was deep and greechy. On January 3 1966, he died of suicide at the age of 26.

DAL (Dallas) Winslow was born in Kearney, Nebraska in 1941. He is one of the 4 original Trashmen along with Tony Andreason, lead vocal & guitar; Bob Reed, bass guitar; and the late Steve Wahrer, drummer, who passed away of esophageal cancer in his early 40's. Mark Andreason, Tony's brother, stepped in to replace Steve who had trained him. Dal is alive and well at age 63...he obviuosly did not commit suicide. NONE of The Trashmen were ever members of The Rivingtons, although prior to 1960, they were in various garage bands before starting The Trashmen whose "Surfin' Bird" single ( with 5 others ) made the top of Billboard's National charts.