Damian Williams

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Damian Monroe Williams, a.k.a Football (b. March 17, 1973), along with Henry Watson, Antoine Miller and Gary Williams, known as the L.A. Four, were responsible for the attack during the 1992 Los Angeles riots on truck driver Reginald Oliver Denny. Williams became the most recognized participant of L.A. riots due to the live news broadcast of his attack on Denny and also possibly because of his memorable nickname. Williams was a high school football star who played briefly in a semipro league.

As Miller, Watson and another unidentified man beat Denny, Williams then threw a cinder block at Denny's head which knocked him unconscious. Williams then did a victory dance as he laughed and pointed at Denny. He then flashed Crips gang signs at the news helicopter taping him from above. Damian Williams was arrested by Los Angeles police chief Daryl Gates himself after he started a search for them. Williams was charged with attempted murder as well as assault and mayhem. Williams was convicted of mayhem and misdemeanor assault and was sentenced to 10 years.

In 1997, Williams was released for good behavior, but on December 5, 2003, he received a life sentence for murdering Grover Tinner, drug dealer whose age has been reported as being 43 [1] and 48 [2] in July 2000. He will not be eligible for parole until he serves 47 years.

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