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Veve of Damballa
Veve of Damballa

In Vodun, Damballa is one of the most important of all the loa. He is associated with snakes. He is also the father of all the rest of the loa. His wife is the rainbow serpent Ayida Weddo (he is also married to Erzulie Freda). As a loa of the Rada nation he is associated with the color white, and his particular colors are white and silver. Also know as Da.

Because of his association with snakes, he is sometimes disguised as Moses, who carried a snake on his staff.

He is also thought by many to be the same entity of Saint Patrick, known as a snake banisher.

Alternative names: Damballa Weddo (or Wedo), Damballah Weddo, Danbhala Weddo.

[edit] Trivia

  • Damballa is referred in the Child's Play horror film series, where he is mentioned by Chucky in his vodun chant to transfer his soul to another body.
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