Damara (sheep)

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The Damara is a breed of sheep.

The name of the breed is derived from the region that used to be called Damaraland in Namibia where the sheep were originally encountered. They were herded by the Damara people.

[edit] Characteristics

  • Can survive on a limited water supply (up to three days).
  • Feeds on grass, bushes, shrubs and trees - survives even where other breeds wouldn't
  • Resistant to extreme temperatures (woolish in winter, sheds wool in summer)
  • Can travel for a long distance (can be found from desert where temperature exceeds 50 degrees to Kwa-Zulu Natal with winter sub-zero temperatures)
  • Immunity to diseases (Moving skin and ears can effectively repel insects, also resistant to parasites)
  • Has first lambs at 11-15 months of age
  • They can have three lambs in two years
  • They have hair - not wool - thus they do not need to be shorn

[edit] See also

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