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A Daiklave is a fictional type of sword used by characters in the role-playing game Exalted.


[edit] Definition

A Daiklave is a bladed weapon which is too large and heavy to be correctly wielded by any normal human. Because it is forged using one of the Five Magical Materials, however, one of the Exalted can use essence to make it as quick and accurate as an ordinary sword (or more so). Even though it feels light and balanced in this state, the sword maintains its incredible mass and is therefore capable of causing incredible damage and destruction.

There are several varieties of Daiklave:

A standard Daiklave is a one-handed, double-bladed weapon more than four feet long and having a blade at least six inches wide.
Grand Daiklave 
The Grand Daiklave sports a blade more than six feet long, and over a foot wide. It is otherwise similar to a standard Daiklave, but due to its size must be wielded in two hands.
Reaver Daiklave 
Reaver Daiklaves are heavier and more powerful than standard Daiklaves, but not larger. They are roughly four feet long, a foot wide, and have only a single cutting edge. (Reaver Daiklaves could be compared to the Buster Sword as seen in Final Fantasy VII.)
Reaper Daiklave 
A Reaper Daiklave is smaller than its cousins, though still larger than an ordinary sword. Because of its reduced size, the essence applied to the blade makes it unnaturally quick and accurate rather than merely plausible to wield.
Short Daiklave 
A Short Daiklave is the smallest of the Daiklaves, still somewhat larger than most mortal weapons. It is incredibly fast and maneuverable, making it suited to fighting in close quarters. It is also the only type of Daiklave which can be concealed without a great deal of hassle. Short Daklaves are often wielded as a matched pair, one in each hand.
Wavecleaver Daiklave 
The Wavecleaver Daiklave is similar in size to the Short Daiklave, but heavier and sturdier in construction. As its name implies, it is used often by Exalts travelling by sea; its small size makes it suitable for use below decks, while its weight and sturdiness make it useful as a tool. (The Wavecleaver Daiklave could be compared to a cutlass.)

[edit] Similar Weapons

Characters in exalted are not limited solely to swords when they require oversized weaponry. The same principle is applied to several other types of weapons. The Dire Lance is an oversized spear or lance, the Goremaul resembles a very large warhammer, the Grimcleaver represents axes, the Smashfist is a heavy gauntlet, and the Serpent-Sting Staff is a superbly quick and accurate seven section staff.

Also similar in concept are Powerbows. Created with magical materials, a powerbow is far too rigid to be drawn by normal means; when empowered with essence, however, it becomes exactly as flexible as the wielder needs it to be. It is therefore capable of accommodating incredibly strong archers who would need to be gentle with a normal bow for fear of breaking it. This allows the archer to impart their full physical might to the attack. Aside from this benefit, the bow fires farther, more accurately, and with more force than any normal bow.

[edit] Additional Properties

All Daiklaves (and similar weapons) are very nearly indestructible. They will never dull, chip, or break from use in combat. In fact, they will probably never dull, chip, or break under any circumstances. The only ways to destroy such an artifact are through magic, such as the attack of another Exalt, or incredible conditions such as plunging it into the heart of an active volcano. Even so, there are very few examples of the weapons being broken or damaged.

Most Daiklaves and similar implements are also adorned with settings for hearthstones, which are crystallized expressions of natural essence. Each weapon is normally constructed with at least one such setting, and may have more. Most of the weapons discussed here have one such setting by default, although Grand Daiklaves have three and Wavecleaver Daiklaves have two. When a hearthstone is placed in the setting on a weapon or other artifact it will gift the possessor with magical benefits or special abilities. It also attracts essence from its source, allowing the character to regain essence more quickly.

It should be noted that short daiklaves, smashfists, and other martial arts or brawling based weapons do not have Hearthstone settings, for reasons ranging from weapon balance to practicality.

[edit] Influences

It is admitted in the main rulebook for Exalted that Final Fantasy, and especially Final Fantasy VII were inspirations for parts of the game. Cloud's Buster Sword is very similar in concept to a Daiklave, and probably one of the most obvious inspirations. Oversized or exaggerated weapons, however, are common throughout all types of media, especially anime, manga, and video games, and date as far back to ancient myths such as Beowulf. As a theatrical tool, such exaggerated props are useful for emphasizing certain character traits; in this case the almost god-like might of the characters.

The Daiklave is also somewhat similar in concept and function to the Klaive, a weapon used by the Garou in Werewolf: the Apocalypse. Both Exalted and Werewolf the Apocalypse are games produced by White Wolf, Inc.