Dagmar Wöhrl

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Dagmar Wöhrl
Dagmar Wöhrl

Dagmar Gabriele Wöhrl, born as Winkler (born May 5, 1954 in Stein, Bavaria) is a German politician with the CSU. She is the wife of the German CEO Hans Rudolf Wöhrl.

During her youth, she played in a soft-sex-comedy named "Die Stoßburg - Wenn nachts die Keuschheitsgürtel klappern". In 1977 she was elected as Miss Germany. This is also the reason why she was called "Miss Bundestag" when she joined the Bundestag in 1994.

In 2001 she was in the media after her younger son Emanuel died because of an accident. Her older son Marcus ran for the European Parliament in 2004.

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