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Seven-Year War.

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This my personal webspace, which I intend to make good use out of.

I've been studying a lot on the Imjin War (a.k.a. Imjin Waeran, Seven-Year War, any particular variation that I am unfortunately unaware of, especially those noted in Chinese and Japanese), and I have made a task to revise and correct given information with the information that I have. I am using mostly the texts from Admiral Yi's Nan Chung Il Gi (War Diary) as my reference.

If you have any information on the Imjin War, I will be glad to hear your information on this topic.

Furthermore, I am also a student of military history, and I can give a lot of information on it (although if you need sources, I will have to look for them to give credibility to my words - I am not an expert).

I am also knowledgeable in sciences, maths, music, history, and general things requiring deep thought. If you have no interests that I share (or conversely - if I have no interests that you share), don't feel like you can't talk to me. Feel free to speak. Always with an open thought, speak truth (or aiming to speak to the truth, as it should be more correctly said).

As I continue along, I hope that I will become more involved and perhaps develop more stuff and more topics, perhaps adding some relevant entries into the database.

(Aussi, je comprends un peu de français, alors dites-moi que vous pensez...)  :)