User:Da.Tomato.Dude/Spiffy What-Not

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Spiffy What-Not Time!

10/1/06 8:49 AM - Bored to death. Couldn't find anything else to do, and so I decided to type and type and type on Wikipedia. You all must think that I have something better to do with my life- WELL I DONT. Go figure. I COULD go and do something worthwhile...but I am just soooo not that type of person.

10/9/06 3:52 PM - Ladidadida...Bored, as usual. I've just finished two packs of Yogos and am very ashamed of myself. So I decided to go and edit my spiffy useboxes and for some weird reason there's this space in between the bottom of the box and the top. I'll have to figure out why it's like that because it's driving me nuts. I am also currently reading the book "Wolf Brother" and am totally grossed out. They just have too many mentions of animal carcasses for a human beings own good. Its just strange to write something like that.

10/9/06 3:58 PM - Finally! I fixed it! PS: Shriya, in case you're here, HI!!! POKA SAYS HI TOO!!!

10/9/06 9:03 PM - I'm editing my powerpoint presentation for class is so long!! ARRGH!

10/9/06 9:52 PM - I stayed up for like an hour and TADA! ITS BACK!!!!!! I have no idea who did this *ehem* and who got it back *hack hack* but I would like to thank him/her *HACKCOUGHHACK* a lot and give out many internet/pixel/computer-y hugs! WHOOOO!!