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Funny. I used to have a user page. In any case, I'm Marshall Price; I live in Miami, Florida; and I use "d021317c" as my user name because that's the number I was assigned when I joined SEFLIN, the Southeast Florida Library Information Network, which provided free Internet access to anybody who asked for it and could get their computer to dial in. The d and c stood for Dade County (which may have changed its name to "Metro Dade County" and later to "Miami-Dade County" before going back to "Dade County" -- I'm not sure) and when composing my sig one day, I realized that 021317 sounded a bit like "Oh, to unfree one's heaven!", which I used as a mnemonic. I was surprised to discover that "to unfree" is actually a word. It's synonymous with "to free". After a few years on the Internet, my own heaven was gradually unfreed by discovering Barbara Thiering, whose books I acquired, and who convinced me that Christianity is all a big mistake, which was especially disappointing since I'd devoted an immense proportion of my free time (and shelf space) to it. I donated many boxes of books to the University of Miami's chapel, stopped taking mass daily, and abandoned my obsession with all things ecclesiastical. Obviously, I ramble. Not so obviously (I hope), I'm dyslexic. But addicted to books. I'm sure there's a name for it; something psychiatric, no doubt. Whatever it is, I'll take it as a badge of triumph.
