Cytoplasmic streaming

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Cytoplasmic streaming is the flowing of cytoplasm in eukaryotic cells. This occurs in both plant and animal cells. It creates cytoplasmic reorganization during cell reproduction. In unicellular eukaryotes such as like amoeba, it provides the mechanism for cell locomotion. It aids in the delivery of nutrients, metabolites, and genetic information to all parts of larger plant cells. It vigorously "stirs" these components about the cytoplasm, allowing them to flow to all parts of the cell. As membrane-bound organelles crawl along the inner cell wall they set the cytoplasm into motion. This streaming allows other organelles and nutrients to flow in the stream created. Actin filaments play a role in streaming.

The flow of cytoplasm may be stopped by:

[edit] Chloroplasts

Chloroplasts make use of cytoplasmic streaming to move to optimum position within the cell for maximum light absorption used in photosynthesis.

[edit] Sources

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