Cytidine diphosphate

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Cytidine diphosphate
Chemical name Cytidine 5'-(trihydrogen diphosphate)
Chemical formula C9H15N3O11P2
Molecular mass 403.18 g/mol
CAS number 34393-59-4
SMILES O[C@H]1[C@H]([C@H](N2C=
Chemical structure of deprotonated CDP

Cytidine diphosphate, abbreviated CDP, is a nucleotide. It is an ester of pyrophosphoric acid with the nucleoside cytidine. CDP consists of the pyrophosphate group, the pentose sugar ribose, and the nucleobase cytosine.

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Nucleic acids and oligonucleotides edit
Nucleobases: Adenine | Thymine | Uracil | Guanine | Cytosine | Purine | Pyrimidine
Nucleosides: Adenosine | Uridine | Guanosine | Cytidine | Deoxyadenosine | Thymidine | Deoxyguanosine | Deoxycytidine
Nucleotides: AMP | UMP | GMP | CMP | ADP | UDP | GDP | CDP | ATP | UTP | GTP | CTP | cAMP | cADPR | cGMP
Deoxynucleotides: dAMP | TMP | dGMP | dCMP | dADP | TDP | dGDP | dCDP | dATP | TTP | dGTP | dCTP
Ribonucleic acids: RNA | mRNA | tRNA | rRNA | ncRNA | sgRNA | shRNA | siRNA | snRNA | miRNA | snoRNA | LNA
Deoxyribonucleic acids: DNA | mtDNA | cDNA | plasmid | Cosmid | BAC | YAC | HAC
Analogues of nucleic acids: GNA | PNA | TNA| LNA | morpholino
←Amino acids Major families of biochemicals Carbohydrates→

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