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Cybernoid is Ektoras Karagiannis, a humanoid living in Athens, Greece. He was the System Operator of Digital Nexus/2 BBS between June 1994 and September 1997. The system provided file archives related to digital art (ANSI art, pixel art etc), H/P/A/C/V, OS/2. It also was a part of several FidoNet-technology message networks, notably FidoNet, SIGnet, Greek United (Gr.Un.) net, Creative Demoscene net (CDN), OS/2net, Amiganet, CholeraNet and others.

The BBS was influenced from the Internet age and in September 1997 was shut down permanently due to lack of user participation and the dwindling of message network traffic. The BBS in its final state used Binkleyterm mailer, Maximus BBS, a Squish message base and other good things.