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Cyanophage are viruses of cyanobacteria. Because of the important role of cyanobacteria as producers in the world's oceans, the study of the ecology of cyanophage, as cyanobacterium predators/antagonists, is important toward understanding global carbon cycling.


[edit] External links

[edit] Cyanophage publications

The following is an unannotated list of cyanophage publications. Effort has been made to provide a complete list of these publications, though likely not all older publications are present, and without question the latest cyanophage publications will be missing, at least temporarily. We invite further editing, additions, updating, etc.

  • Tentatively added references should be presented using a bullet rather than a number, and should be placed at the end of the lists otherwise spanning individual years. Theses or meeting abstracts should be entered using bullets rather than numbered.

Editing instructions (of references) as well as tips for finding references online can be found here. For a primer on the more-general phage literature, see phage monographs.

This list is an expansion of a list presented as the cyanophage literome in BEG News in 2004. BEG News is an online newsletter published by the Bacteriophage Ecology Group.

[edit] Publications (2000s)

[edit] 2006

  1. Clokie, M. R. J., J. Shan, S. Bailey, Y. Jia, H. M. Krisch, S. West, and N. H. Mann. 2006. Transcription of a 'photosynthetic' T4-type phage during infection of a marine cyanobacterium. Environ. Microbiol. 8:827-835. abstract & pay article
  2. Hill, E. 2006. The cyanophage molecular mixing bowl of photosynthesis genes. PLoS Biology 4:e264 full text
  3. Mann, N. H. 2006. Phages of cyanobacteria, p. 517-533. In R. Calendar and S. T. Abedon (eds.), The Bacteriophages. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0-195-14850-9
  4. Miller, R. V. 2006. Marine phages, p. 534-544. In R. Calendar and S. T. Abedon (eds.), The Bacteriophages. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0-195-14850-9
  5. Yoshida, T., Y. Takashima, Y. Tomaru, Y. Shirai, Y. Takao, S. Hiroishi, and K. Nagasaki. 2006. Isolation and characterization of a cyanophage infecting the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72:1239-1247. full text

[edit] 2005

  1. Hambly, E., and C. A. Suttle. 2005. The viriosphere, diversity, and genetic exchange within phage communities. Curr. Opin. Mirobiol. 8:444-450. abstract & pay article
  2. Kao, C. C., S. Green, B. Stein, and S. S. Golden. 2005. Diel infection of a cyanobacterium by a contractile bacteriophage. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71:4276-4279. full text
  3. Lindell, D., J. D. Jaffe, Z. I. Johnson, G. M. Church, and S. W. Chisholm. 2005. Photosynthesis genes in marine viruses yield proteins during host infection. Nature 438:86-89. abstract & pay article
  4. Mann, N. H., M. R. J. Clokie, A. Millard, A. Cook, W. H. Wilson, P. J. Wheatley, A. Letarov, and H. M. Krisch. 2005. The genome of S-PM2, a "photosynthetic" T4-type bacteriophage that infects marine Synechococcus strains. J. Bacteriol. 187:3188-3200. full text
  5. McDaniel, L., and J. H. Paul. 2005. Effect of nutrient addition and environmental factors on prophage induction in natural populations of marine Synechococcus species. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71:842-850. full text
  6. Muhling, M., N. J. Fuller, A. Millard, P. J. Somerfield, D. Marie, W. H. Wilson, D. J. Scanian, A. F. Post, I. Joint, and N. H. Mann. 2005. Genetic diversity of marine Synechococcus and co-occurring cyanophage communities: evidence for viral control of phytoplankton. Environ. Microbiol. 7:499-508. abstract & pay article
  7. Paul, J. H., and M. B. Sullivan. 2005. Marine phage genomics: what have we learned? Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 16:299-307. abstract & pay article
  8. Sarma, T. A., and S. P. Kaur. 2005. Growth of cyanophage N-1 under the influence of heavy metal ions. Acta virologica. English ed 49:23-28. abstract
  9. Short, C. M., and C. A. Suttle. 2005. Nearly identical bacteriophage structural gene sequences are widely distributed in both marine and freshwater environments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71:480-486. full text
  10. Sullivan, M. B., M. Coleman, P. Weigele, F. Rohwer, and S. W. Chisholm. 2005. Three Prochlorococcus cyanophage genomes: Signature features and ecological interpretations. PLoS Biology 3:e144 full text
  11. Tucker, S., and P. Pollard. 2005. Identification of cyanophage Ma-LBP and infection of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa from an Australian subtropical lake by the virus. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71:629-635. full text

[edit] 2004

  1. Bailey, S., M. R. J. Clokie, A. Millard, and N. H. Mann. 2004. Cyanophage infection and photoinhibition in marine cyanobacteria. Res. Microbiol. 155:720-725. abstract & pay article
  2. Clokie, M. R., A. D. Millard, W. H. Wilson, and N. H. Mann. 2004. Encapsidation of host DNA by bacteriophages infecting marine Synechococcus strains. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 46:349-352. abstract & pay article
  3. Dorigo, U., S. Jacquet, and J. F. Humbert. 2004. Cyanophage diversity, inferred from g20 gene analyses, in the largest natural lake in France, Lake Bourget. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70:1017-1022. full text
  4. Hess, W. R. 2004. Genome analysis of marine photosynthetic microbes and their global role. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 15:191-198. abstract & pay article
  5. Hewson, I., S. R. Govil, D. G. Capone, E. J. Carpenter, and J. A. Fuhrman. 2004. Evidence of Trichodesmium viral lysis and potential significance for biogeochemical cycling in the oligotrophic ocean. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 36:1-8. abstract
  6. Lindell, D., M. B. Sullivan, Z. I. Johnson, A. C. Tolonen , F. Rohwer, and S. W. Chisholm. 2004. Transfer of photosynthesis genes to and from Prochlorococcus viruses. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101:11013-11018. full text
  7. Millard, A., M. Clokie, D. A. Shub, and N. H. Mann. 2004. Genetic organization of the psbAD region in phages infecting marine Synechococcus strains. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101:11007-11012. full text
  8. Wang, K., and F. Chen. 2004. Genetic diversity and population dynamics of cyanophage communities in the Chesapeake Bay. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 34:105-116. abstract

[edit] 2003

  1. Frederickson, C. M., S. M. Short, and C. A. Suttle. 2003. The physical environment affects cyanophage communities in British Columbia inlets. Microb. Ecol. 46:348-357. abstract & pay article
  2. Hewson, I., G. A. Vargo, and J. A. Fuhrman. 2003. Bacterial diversity in shallow oligotrophic marine benthos and overlying waters: Effects of virus infection, containment, and nutrient enrichment. Microb. Ecol. 46:322-336. abstract & pay article
  3. Mann, N. H. 2003. Phages of the marine cyanobacterial picophytoplankton. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 27:17-34. abstract
  4. Mann, N. H., A. Cook, A. Millard, S. Bailey, and M. Clokie. 2003. Bacterial photosynthesis genes in a virus. Nature 424:741. abstract & pay article
  5. Marston, M. F., and J. L. Sallee. 2003. Genetic diversity and temporal variation in the cyanophage community infecting marine Synechococcus species in Rhode Island's coastal waters. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69:4639-4647. full text
  6. Mendzhul, M. I., T. G. Lysenko, and S. A. Syrchin. 2003. [Development of cyanobacterial phages at the Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (History and perspectives)]. Mikrobiol. Zh. 65:133-140.
  7. Mendzhul, M. I., and S. I. Perepelytsia. 2003. [Comparative characteristics of native proteinases of the cyanobacteria Plectonema boryanum and Anabaena variabilis and those induced by cyanophages]. Mikrobiol Zh 65:21-28.
  8. Sullivan, M. B., J. B. Waterbury, and S. W. Chisholm. 2003. Cyanophages infecting the oceanic cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus. Nature 424:1047-1051. full text

[edit] 2002

  1. Chen, F., and J. Lu. 2002. Genomic sequence and evolution of marine cyanophage P60: a new insight on lytic and lysogenic phages. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68:2589-2594. full text
  2. Fuhrman, J. A., J. Griffith, and M. Schwalbach. 2002. Prokaryotic and viral diversity patterns in marine plankton. Ecol. Res. 17:183-194. abstract & pay article
  3. Gons, H. J., J. Ebert, H. L. Hoogveld, L. van den Hove , R. Pel, W. Takkenberg, and C. J. Woldringh. 2002. Observations on cyanobacterial population collapse in eutrophic lake water. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek J. Microbiol. 81:319-326. full text
  4. Gorobets, O. B., L. P. Blinkova, and A. P. Baturo. 2002. [Action of Spirulina platensis on bacterial viruses]. Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 18-21.
  5. Hall, M. J., S. D. Wharam, A. Weston, D. L. N. Cardy, and W. H. Wilson. 2002. Use of signal-mediated amplification of RNA technology (SMART) to detect marine cyanophage DNA. BioTechniques 32:604-611. abstract
  6. McDaniel, L., L. A. Houchin, S. J. Williamson, and J. H. Paul. 2002. Plankton blooms: Lysogeny in marine Synechococcus. Nature 415:496
  7. Ortmann, A. C., J. E. Lawrence, and C. A. Suttle. 2002. Lysogeny and lytic viral production during a bloom of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus spp. Microb. Ecol. 43:225-231. abstract & pay article
  8. Paul, J. H., M. B. Sullivan, A. M. Segall, and F. Rohwer. 2002. Marine phage genomics. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 133:463-476.
  9. Syrchin, S. A., and M. I. Mendzhul. 2002. [Some peculiarities of DNA structure of cyanophage LPP-3]. Mikrobiol. Zh. 64:35-43.
  10. Syrchin, S. A., and M. I. Mendzhul. 2002. [Physical mapping of DNA of cyanophage LPP-3]. Mikrobiol. Zh. 64:24-30.
  11. Zhong, Y., F. Chen, S. W. Wilhelm, L. Poorvin, and R. E. Hodson. 2002. Phylogenetic diversity of marine cyanophage isolates and natural virus communities as revealed by sequences of viral capsid assembly protein gene g20. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68:1576-1584.

[edit] 2001

  1. Alonso, M. C., F. Jimenez-Gomez, J. Rodriguez, and J. J. Borrego. 2001. Distribution of virus-like particles in an oligotrophic marine environment (Alboran Sea, Western Mediterranean). Microb. Ecol. 42:407-415. abstract & pay article
  2. Chami, M., G. Pehau-Arnaudet, O. Lambert, J. L. Ranck, D. Levy, and J. L. Rigaud. 2001. Use of octyl β-thioglucopyranoside in two-dimensional crystallization of membrane proteins. J Struct Biol 133:64-74. abstract & pay article
  3. Hambly, E., F. Tétart, C. Desplats, W. H. Wilson, H. M. Krisch, and N. H. Mann. 2001. A conserved genetic module that encodes the major virion components in both the coliphage T4 and the marine cyanophage S-PM2. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98:11411-11416. full text
  4. Lu, J., F. Chen, and R. E. Hodson. 2001. Distribution, isolation, host specificity, and diversity of cyanophages infecting marine Synechococcus spp. in river estuaries. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67:3285-3290. full text
  5. Steward, G. F. 2001. Fingerprinting viral assemblages by pulsed field gel electrophoresis, p. 85-102. In J. H. Paul (ed.), Marine Microbiology. Academic Press, London. ISBN 0-125-21530-4

[edit] 2000

  1. Paul, J. H., and C. A. Kellogg. 2000. Ecology of bacteriophages in nature, p. 211-246. In C. J. Hurst (ed.), Viral Ecology. Academic Press, San Diego. ISBN 0-123-62675-7
  2. Suttle, C. A. 2000. Cyanophages and their role in the ecology of cyanobacteria, p. 563-589. In B. A. Whitton and M. Potts (eds.), The Ecology of Cyanobacteria: Their Diversity in Time and Space. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. ISBN 0-792-34735-8
  3. Suttle, C. A. 2000. The ecology, evolutionary and geochemical consequences of viral infection of cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae, p. 248-286. In C. J. Hurst (ed.), Viral Ecology. Academic Press, New York. ISBN 0-123-62675-7
  4. Wilson, W. H., N. J. Fuller, I. R. Jount, and N. H. Mann. 2000. Analysis of cyanophage diversity in the marine environment using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, p. 565-570. In C. R. Bell, M. Brylinsky, and P. Johnson-Green (eds.), Microbial Biosystems: New Frontiers. Atlantic Canada Society for Microbial Ecology, Halifax, Canada.
  5. Wilson, W. H., D. Lane, D. Pearce, and J. C. Ellis-Evans. 2000. Transmission electron microscope analysis of viruses in the freshwater lakes of Signy Island, Antarctica. Polar Biology 23:657-660. abstract & pay article

[edit] Publications (1990s)

[edit] 1999

  1. Manage, P., Z. Kawabata, and S. Nakano. 1999. Seasonal changes in densities of cyanophage infectious to Microcystis aeruginosa in a hypereutrophic pond. Hydrobiologia. 411:211-216. abstract & pay article
  2. Martin, E. L., and T. A. Kokjohn. 1999. Cyanophages, p. 324-332. In A. Granoff and R. G. Webster (eds.), Encyclopedia of Virology, 2nd edition. Academic Press, San Diego. ISBN 0-122-27030-4
  3. Rosowski, J. R., J. J. Shaffer, and E. L. Martin. 1999. First report of a putative cyanophage, MC-1 of Microcoleus sp. Microsc. Microanalysis 5:1142-1143.
  4. van Etten, J. L. 1999. Phycodnaviridae, p. 183-193. In Virus Taxonomy - Seventh Report.
  5. van Hannen, E. J., G. Zwart, M. P. van Agterveld, H. J. Gons, J. Ebert, and H. J. Laanbroek. 1999. Changes in bacterial and eukaryotic community structure after mass lysis of filamentous cyanobacteria associated with viruses. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65:795-801. full text
  6. Weinbauer, M. G., S. W. Wilhelm, C. A. Suttle, R. J. Pledger, and D. L. Mitchell. 1999. Sunlight-induced DNA damage and resistance in natural viral communities. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 17:111-120. abstract
  7. Wilson, W. H., N. J. Fuller, I. R. Joint, and N. H. Mann. 1999. Analysis of cyanophage diversity and population structure in a south-north transect of the Atlantic ocean. Bull. Inst. Océanogr. Manaco 0:209-216. abstract
  8. Zhao, Y., Z. Shi, G. Huang, and X. Wang. 1999. Blue-green algal viruses (cyanophages). Virologica Sinica 14:100-105.

[edit] 1998

  1. Agustí, S., M. P. Satta, M. P. Mura, and E. Benavent. 1998. Dissolved esterase activity as a tracer of physoplankton lysis: Evidence of high phytoplankton lysis rates in the northwestern Mediterranean. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43:1836-1849. abstract
  2. Fuller, N. J., W. H. Wilson, I. R. Joint, and N. H. Mann. 1998. Occurrence of a sequence in marine cyanophages similar to that of T4 gp20 and its application to PCR-based detection and quantification techniques. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64:2051-2060. full text
  3. Garza, D. R., and C. A. Suttle. 1998. The effect of cyanophages on the morality of Synechococcus spp. and selection for UV resistant viral communities. Microb. Ecol. 36:281-292.
  4. Mendzhul, M. I., T. G. Lysenko, N. V. Koltukova, S. A. Syrchin, and S. N. Sukhanov. 1998. Principles of virus-directed regulation of formation of the dynamic system virus-cell (problems, methodology and prospects of cyanophagia). Mikrobiol. Zh. 60:66-78.
  5. Mendzhul, M. I., T. G. Lysenko, and N. V. Koltukova. 1998. [Key enzymes of biosynthesis of amino acids of the glutamic series in the virus-cell system Anabaena variabilis + A-1]. Ukr Biokhim Zh 70:16-22.
  6. Wilhelm, S. W., M. G. Weinbauer, C. A. Suttle, and W. H. Jeffrey. 1998. The role of sunlight in the removal and repair of viruses in the sea. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43:586-592. abstract via JSTOR
  7. Wilson, W. H., S. Turner, and N. H. Mann. 1998. Population dynamics of phytoplankton and viruses in a phosphate-limited mesocosm and their effect on DMSP and DMS production. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 46:49-59. abstract & pay article

[edit] 1997

  1. Mole, R., D. Meredith, and D. G. Adams. 1997. Growth and phage resistance of Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 in the presence of cyanophage AN-15. Journal of Applied Phycology [J. Appl. Phycol. ] 9:339-345. abstract & pay article
  2. Sarma, T. A., and B. Kaur. 1997. Characterization of host-range mutants of cyanophage N-1. Acta Virol. 41:245-250. abstract
  3. Sime-Ngando, T. 1997. Viruses in aquatic ecosystems. A review. L'Année Biologique 36:181-210.
  4. Sode, K., R. Oonari, and M. Oozeki. 1997. Induction of a temperate marine cyanophage by heavy metal. J. Mar. Biotechnol. 5:178-180. abstract & pay article
  5. Xu, X., I. Khudyakov, and C. P. Wolk. 1997. Lipopolysaccharide dependence of cyanophage sensitivity and aerobic nitrogen fixation in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. J. Bacteriol. 179:2884-289. full text

[edit] 1996

  1. Corpe, W. A., and T. E. Jensen. 1996. The diversity of bacteria, eukaryotic cells and viruses in an oligotrophic lake. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 46:622-630. abstract & pay article
  2. Gol'din, E. B., and M. I. Mendzhul. 1996. [Phagolysates of cyanobacteria: their biocidal properties and use]. Mikrobiol. Zh. 58:51-58.
  3. Khudyakov, I., and C. P. Wolk. 1996. Evidence that the hanA gene coding for HU protein is essential for heterocyst differentiation in, and cyanophage A-4(L) sensitivity of, Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. J. Bacteriol. 178:3572-3577. full text
  4. Lopez-Pila, J. M., H. Dizer, and W. Dorau. 1996. Wastewater treatment and elimination of pathogens: new prospects for an old problem. Microbiologia 12:525-536. abstract
  5. Ohki, K., and Y. Fujita. 1996. Occurrence of a temperate cyanophage lysogenizing the marine cyanophyte Phormidium persicinum. J. Phycol. 32:365-370. abstract & pay article
  6. Sagi, J., E. Szakonyi, M. Vorlickova, and J. Kypr. 1996. Unusual contribution of 2-aminoadenine to the thermostability of DNA. J Biomol Struct Dyn 13:1035-1041. abstract
  7. Suttle, C. A., A. M. Chan, K. M. Rodda, S. M. Short, M. G. Weinbauer, D. R. Garza, and S. W. Wilhelm. 1996. The effect of cyanophages on Synechococcus spp. during a bloom in the western Gulf of Mexico. EOS 76 (suppl.):OS207-OS208
  8. Wilson, W. H., N. G. Carr, and N. H. Mann. 1996. The effect of phosphate status on the kinetics of cyanophage infection in the oceanic cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. WH7803. J. Phycol. 32:506-516. abstract
  • Rodda, K. M. 1996. Temporal and spatial dynamics of Synechococcus spp. and Micromonas pusilla host-viral systems. University of Texa at Austin. M.S. thesis.

[edit] 1995

  1. Goto, Y., and M. Kitayama. 1995. A study on cyanophages inhibiting the growth of algae producing musty odor. Water Supply 13:263-266.
  2. Hennes, K. P., and C. A. Suttle. 1995. Direct counts of viruses in natural waters and laboratory cultures by epifluorescence microscopy. Limnol. Oceanogr. 40:1050-1055. abstract JSTOR
  3. Hennes, K. P., C. A. Suttle, and A. M. Chan. 1995. Fluorescently labeled virus probes show that natural virus populations can control the structure of marine microbial communities. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61:3623-3627. full text
  4. Maranger, R., and D. F. Bird. 1995. Viral abundance in aquatic systems: a comparison between marine and fresh waters. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 121:1-3.
  5. Mendzhul, M. I., N. V. Koltukova, T. G. Lysenko, O. A. Shainskaia, and S. I. Perepelitsa. 1995. [Effect of reproduction of the LPP-3 cyanophage on glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamine synthetase activity in the cyanobacterium Plectonema boryanum]. Ukr Biokhim Zh 67:33-37.
  6. Perepelitsa, S. I., N. V. Koltukova, and M. I. Mendzhul. 1995. [Alanine dehydrogenase of the cyanobacterium Plectonema boryanum in the early period of cyanophage LPP-3 development]. Ukr Biokhim Zh 67:47-52.
  7. Sarma, T. A., and R. Singh. 1995. Characterization of TS-mutants of cyanophage N-1 by their inactivation by physical and chemical agents. Acta Virol. 39:65-68. abstract

[edit] 1994

  1. Kim, M., and Y.-K. Choi. 1994. A New Synechococcus Cyanophage from a Reservoir in Korea. Virology 204:338-342. abstract & pay article
  2. Koltukova, N. V., G. K. Kadyrova, T. G. Lysenko, and M. I. Mendzhul. 1994. [Aspartate kinase complex of Anabaena variabilis during the early period of development of cyanophage A-1]. Ukr Biokhim Zh 66:41-48.
  3. Sarma, T. A., and R. Singh. 1994. Isolation and characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants of cyanophage N-1. Acta Virol 38:11-16. abstract
  4. Singh, S., A. Bhatnagar, and A. K. Kashyap. 1994. Energetics of cyanophage N-1 multiplication in the diazotrophic cyanobacterium Nostoc muscorum. Microbios 78:259-265. abstract
  5. Sode, K., M. Oozeki, K. Asakawa, J. G. Burgess, and T. Matsunaga. 1994. Isolation of a marine cyanophage infecting the marine unicellular cyanobacterium, Synechococcus sp. NKBG 042902. J. Mar. Biotechnol. 1:189-192.
  6. Suttle, C. A., and A. M. Chan. 1994. Dynamics and distribution of cyanophages and their effect on marine Synechococcus spp. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:3167-3174. full text

[edit] 1993

  1. Mendzhul, M. I., S. A. Syrchin, B. A. Rebentish, A. A. Averkiev, and I. V. Busakhina. 1993. [The resistance of the DNA of cyanophage LPP-3 to the action of different restriction endonucleases]. Mikrobiol. Zh. 55:47-53.
  2. Sarma, T. A., and B. Kaur. 1993. Spontaneous and induced host range mutants of cyanophage N-1. Arch Virol 130:195-200. abstract pay article
  3. Suttle, C. A., and A. M. Chan. 1993. Marine cyanophages infecting oceanic and coastal strains of Synechococcus: Abundance, morphology, cross-infectivity and growth characteristics. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 92:99-109.
  4. Suttle, C. A., A. M. Chan, F. Chen, and D. R. Garza. 1993. Cyanophages and sunlight: A paradox, p. 303-307. In R. Guerrero and C. Pedros-Alio (eds.), Trends in Microbial Ecology. Spanish Society Microbiology, Barcelona.
  5. Waterbury, J. B., and F. W. Valois. 1993. Resistance to co-occurring phages enables marine Synechococcus communities to coexist with cyanophages abundant in seawater. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59:3393-3399. full text
  6. Wilson, W. H., I. R. Joint, N. G. Carr, and N. H. Mann. 1993. Isolation and molecular characterization of five marine cyanophages propagated on Synechococcus sp. strain WH7803. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59:3736-3743. full text

[edit] 1992

  1. Mendzhul, M. I., N. V. Koltukova, T. G. Lysenko, and O. A. Shainskaya. 1992. Effect of reproduction of cyanophages A-1, S-8K and LPP-3 on proteolysis processes in the cells of cyanobacteria. Mikrobiol. Zh. 54:90-95.
  • Jido, E. P. 1992. The inhibitory effects of the extracts of Zingiber plants on the adsorption, growth, and replication of phage LPP-1 in cyanobacterium. Loyola University of Chicago. M.S. thesis.

[edit] 1991

  1. Monegue, R. L., and E. J. Phlips. 1991. The effect of cyanophages on the growth and survival of Lyugbya wollei, Anabaenaflos aquae, and Anabaena circinalis. J. Aquat. Plant. Manage. 29:88-93.
  2. Proctor, L. M., and J. A. Fuhrman. 1991. Roles of viral infection in organic particle flux. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 69:133-142. abstract
  3. Schmidt, T. M., E. F. Delonge , and N. R. Pace. 1991. Analysis of marine picoplankton community by 16S ribosomal-RNA gene cloning and sequencing. J. Bacteriol. 173:4371-4378. full text
  4. Schneider, G. J., J. D. Lang, and R. Haselkorn. 1991. Promoter recognition by the RNA polymerase from vegetative cells of the cyanobacterium Anabaena 7120. Gene 105:51-60. abstract & pay article
  5. Suttle, C. A., A. M. Chan, and M. T. Cottrell. 1991. Use of ultrafiltration to isolate viruses from seawater which are pathogens to marine phytoplankton. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 57:721-726. full text
  6. Vorlickova, M., I. Hejtmankova, and J. Kypr. 1991. Circular dichroism studies of salt- and alcohol- induced conformational changes in cyanophage S-2L DNA which contains amino 2 adenine instead of adenine. J Biomol Struct Dyn 9:81-85. abstract

[edit] 1990

  1. Muradov, M., G. V. Cherkasov, D. U. Akhmedova, and A. G. Khalmuradov. 1990. A new temperate cyanophage NP-1T lysogenizing cyanobacterial cultures belonging to the genera Nostoc and Plectonema. Mikrobiologiia 59:1038-1045.
  2. Muradov, M. M., G. V. Cherkasova, D. U. Akhmedova, F. D. Kamilova, R. S. Mukhamedov, A. A. Abdukarimov, and A. G. Khalmuradov. 1990. Comparative study of NP-IT cyanophages, which lysogenize nitrogen-fixing bacteria of the genera Nostoc and Pleconema (Russian?). Mikrobiologiia 59:819-826.
  3. Muradov, M. M., G. V. Cherkasova, D. U. Akhmedova, F. D. Kamilova, R. S. Mukhamedov, A. A. Abdukarimov, and A. G. Khalmuradov. 1990. Comparative study of NP-IT cyanophages, which lysogenize nitrogen-fixing bacteria of the genera Nostoc and Pleconema (English). Microbiology (translation of Mikrobiologiya) 59:558-563.
  4. Phlips, E. J., R. L. Monegue, and F. J. Aldridge. 1990. Cyanophages which impact bloom-forming cyanobacteria. J. Aquat. Plant. Manage. 28:92-97. abstract
  5. Proctor, L. M., and J. A. Fuhrman. 1990. Viral mortality of marine bacteria and cyanobacteria. Nature 343:60-62. abstract & pay article
  6. Suttle, C. A., A. M. Chan, and M. T. Cottrell. 1990. Infection of phytoplankton by viruses and reduction of primary productivity. Nature 347:467-469. abstract & pay article
  7. Teklemariam, T. A., S. Demeter, Z. Deak, G. Suranyi, and G. Borbely. 1990. AS-1 cyanophage infection inhibits the photosynthetic electron flow of photosystem II in Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301, a cyanobacterium. FEBS Lett. 270:211-215. full text

[edit] Publications (1980s)

[edit] 1989-1984 Publications (ascending-date order)

  1. Bancroft, I., and R. J. Smith. 1989. Sequence counter-selection in cyanophage, p. 316L. J. Rogers and J. R. Gallon (eds.), Biochemistry of the Algae and Cyanobacteria.
  2. Bancroft, I., and R. J. Smith. 1988. An analysis of restriction endonuclease sites in cyanophages infecting the heterocystous cyanobacteria Anabaena and Nostoc. J. Gen. Virol. 69 ( Pt 3):739-743.
  3. Martin, E. L., and R. Benson. 1988. Phages of cyanobacteria, p. 607-645. In R. Calendar (ed.), The Bacteriophages. Volume 2. Plenum Press, New York.
  4. Cannon, R. E. 1987. Cyanophage ecology, p. 245-265. In S. M. Goyal, C. P. Gerba, and G. Bitton (eds.), Phage Ecology. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
  5. Franche, C. 1987. Isolation and characterization of a temperate cyanophage for a tropical Anabaena strain. Archives of Microbiology 148:172-177.
  6. Goryushin, V. A., and O. A. Shainskaya. 1987. Resistance of cultures of cyanobacteria Synechococcus cedrorum and Synechococcus parvula to AS-1K and S-8K cyanophages. Mikrobiol. Zh. 48:74-78.
  7. Johnson, D. W., and D. Borovsky. 1987. Changes in sensitivity to cyanophage infection in axenic LPP cyanobacteria. Microbios Letters 35:105-112.
  8. Bisen, P. S., S. Audholia, A. K. Bhatnagar, and S. N. Bagchi. 1986. Evidence for lysogeny and viral resistance in the cyanobacterium Phormidium uncinatum. Curr. Microbiol. 13:1-5.
  9. Mendzhul, M. I., and A. A. Averkiev. 1986. [The structure of cyanobacterial phycobilisomes and its change in viral infection]. Mikrobiol Zh 48:89-101.
  10. Mil'ko, E. S., and N. S. Egorov. 1986. [Role of temperate phage in bacterial dissociation]. Nauchnye doklady vysshei shkoly Biologicheskie nauki 6-19.
  11. Bisen, P. S., S. Audholia, and A. K. Bhatnagar. 1985. Mutation to resistance for virus AS-1 in the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans. Microbiol. Lett. 29:7-13.
  12. Johnson, D. W., and M. Potts. 1985. Host range of LPP cyanophages. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 35:76-78.
  13. Mendzhul, M. I. 1985. Tsianofagi: Virusy Tsianobakterii. Nauk. dumka, Kiev.
  14. van Etten, J. L., C. H. van Etten, J. K. Johnson, and D. E. Burbank. 1985. A survey for viruses from fresh water that infect a eukaryotic Chlorella-like green alga. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 49:1326-1328.
  15. Barnet, Y. M., M. J. Daft, and W. D. P. Stewart. 1984. The effect of suspended particular material on cyanobacteria-cyanophage interactions in liquid culture. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 56:109-115.
  16. Kraus, M. P. 1984. Effect of toxicants on UV survival of cyanophage host virus systems. Photochem. Photobiol. 39:97S
  17. Mallison, S. M. I., and R. E. Cannon. 1984. Effects of pesticides on cyanobacterium Plectorema boryanum and cyanophage LPP-1. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 47:910-914.

[edit] 1983

  1. Amla, D. V., and P. N. Saxena. 1983. Metabolic aspects of cyanophage AS-1 replication and reproduction in cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans. Biochem. Physiol. Pflanz. 178:225-236.
  2. Cannon, R. E. 1983. Aerosol release of cyanophages and coliforms from activated sludge basins. Journal Water Pollution Control Federation 55:1070-1074.
  3. Desjardins, P. R. 1983. Cyanophage: Histroy and likelihood as a control, p. 242-248. In AnonymousLake Restoration, Protection, and Management. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
  4. Desjardins, P. R., and G. B. Olson. 1983. Viral Control of Nuisance Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae). II. Cyanophage Strains, Stability on Phages and Hosts, and Effects of Environmental Factors on Phage-Host Interactions. California Water Resource Center, University of California, Davis, CA.
  5. Gromov, B. V. 1983. Cyanophages. Ann. Microbiol. (Inst. Pasteur) 134B:43-59.
  6. Safferman, R. S., R. E. Cannon, P. R. Desjardins, B. V. Gromov, R. Haselkorn, L. A. Sherman, and M. Shilo. 1983. Classification and nomenclature of viruses of cyanobacteria. Intervirology 19:61-66.

[edit] 1982

  1. Coulombe, A. M., and G. G. C. Robinson. 1982. Collapsing Aphanizomenon flos aquae blooms: Possible contributions of photo-oxidation, oxygen toxicity and cyanophages. Canadian Journal of Botany 59:1277-1284.
  2. Kashyap, A. K., and S. L. Gupta. 1982. PLEIOTROPIC BEHAVIOR OF A CYANO PHAGE AS-1 RESISTANT MUTANT OF ANACYSTIS-NIDULANS. Mol. Gen. Genet. 185:365-366.
  3. Koz'yakov, S. Y. 1982. Peculiarities of a new cyanophage specific for the cyanobacterium Synechococcus schmidlea. Microbiology (New York) 50:395-401.
  4. Oliveira, A. R., J. B. Mudd, and P. R. Desjardins. 1982. AS1 cyanophage adsorption to liposomes. J. Gen. Virol. 61:153-156.
  5. Olson, G. B., and P. R. Desjardins. 1982. The effet of light and temperature on the generation time, adsorption, and yield of the cyanophages AS-1. Phytopathology 72:937

[edit] 1981

  1. Amla, D. V. 1981. Chelating agent shock of cyanophage AS-1 infecting unicellular blue-green algae, Anacystis nidulans. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 19:209-211.
  2. Amla, D. V. 1981. Isolation of characteristics of minute plaque forming mutant of cyanophage AS-1. Biochem. Physiol. Pflanz. 176:83-89.
  3. Barnet, Y. M., M. J. Draft, and W. D. P. Stewart. 1981. Cyanobacteria-cyanophage interactions in continuous culture. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 51:541-552.
  4. Barnet, Y. M., M. J. Daft, and W. D. P. Stewart. 1981. Cyanobacteriophage interactions on the replication of cyanophage SM-2. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 51:541-552.
  5. Benson, R., and E. Martin. 1981. Effects of photosynthetic inhibitors and light-dark regimes on the replication of cyanophage SM-2. Archives of Microbiology 129:165-167.
  6. Desjardins, P. R. Cyanophages--are they potential biological control agents of nuisance blue-green algae? E-81-7, 198-229. 1981. Pacific Grove, California. Proc.Workshop Algal Manage.Control. 1980.
  7. Hu, N.-T., T. Thiel, T. H. Gidding, Jr., and C. P. Wold. 1981. New Anabaena and Nostoc cyanophages from sewage settling ponds. Virology 114:236-246.
  8. Moisa, I., E. Sotropa, and V. Velehorschi. 1981. Sequence of morphological alterations in blue-green algae in the course of cyanophage infection. Virologie 32:133-137.
  9. Moisa, I., E. Sotropa, and V. Velehorschi. 1981. Investigation on the presence of cyanophages in fresh and sea waters of Romania. Virologie 32:127-132.

[edit] 1980

  1. Borbéy, G., C. Kari, A. Gulyas, and G. L. Farkas. 1980. Bacteriophage infection intereres with quanosine 3'-diphosphate-5'-disphosphate accumulation induced by energy and nitrogen starvation in cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans. J. Bacteriol. 144:859-864.
  2. Kraus, M. P. 1980. Host range plaque morphology studies of cyanophage LPP-1. J. Phycol. 16:186-191.

[edit] Publications (1970s)

[edit] 1979

  1. Amla, D. V. 1979. Photoreactivation of ultraviolet irradiated blue-green alga: Anacystis nidulans and cyanophage AS-1. Arch Virol 59:173-179.
  2. Balogh, A., G. Borbely, C. Cseke, J. Udvardy, and G. L. Farkas. 1979. Virus infection affects the molecular properties and activity of glucose-6-P dehydrogenase in Anacystis nidulans, a Cyanobacterium. Novel aspect of metabolic control in a phage-infected cell. FEBS Lett. 105:158-162.
  3. Cseke, C. S., and G. L. Farkas. 1979. Effect of light on the attachment of cyanophage AS-1 to Anacystis nidulans. J. Bacteriol. 137:667-669.
  4. Currier, T. C., and C. P. Wolk. 1979. Characteristics of Anabaena variabilis influencing plaque formation by cyanophage N-1. J. Bacteriol. 139:88-92.
  5. Fallon, R. D., and T. D. Brock. 1979. Lytic organisms and photooxidative effects: Influence of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 38:499-505.
  6. Mendzhul, M. I. 1979. Optimization kinetics and thermodynamics of cyanophage A-1 adsorption on algal cells. Mikrobiol. Zh. 41:145-150.
  7. Menzel, G., and E. Stenz. 1979. [Effect of the detergent Metaupon on replication of various phages]. Z Allg Mikrobiol 19:325-332.
  8. Myslovich, V. O. 1979. Lysate effect of Microcystis aeruginosa infected with cyanophage AM-1 on survival of Daphnia magna. Gidrobiologicheskii Zhurnal 15:67-70.
  9. Rambler, M., and L. Margulis. 1979. An ultraviolet light induced bacteriophage in Beneckea gazogenes. Origins of Life 9:235-240.
  10. Safferman, R. S. and Rohr, M. E. The Practical Directory to the Phycovirus Literature. EPA-600/9-79-013. 1979. Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S. Environmental Protection.

[edit] 1978

  1. Blashka, K. H. 1978. Phage-algal interactions in the cyanophage AS-1/blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans infective system. City University of New York.
  2. Bobrovnik, S. A., M. I. Mendzhul, and T. G. Lysenko. 1978. Kinetics mechanism and thermodynamics of cyanophage A-1 adsorption on the cells of algae-host. Biofizika 23:489-493.
  3. Desjardins, P. R., M. B. Barkley, S. A. Swiecki, and S. N. West. 1978. Viral Control of blue-green algae. California Water Resource Center, University of California,
  4. Khudyakov, I. Y., M. D. Kirnos, N. I. Alexandrushkina, and B. F. Vanyushin. 1978. Cyanophages S-2L contains DNA with 2,6-diaminopurine substituted for adenine. Virology 88:8-18.
  5. Menzel, G., and E. Stenz. 1978. Effect of virazole (ribavirin) on virus-prokaryote systsems. Acta Microbiol. Acad. Sci. Hungary 25:11-15.
  6. Padhy, R. N., and P. K. Singh. 1978. Stabilizing effects of metallic ions in the blue-green algal virus N-1. Biochem. Physiol. Pflanz. 173:188-192.
  7. Padhy, R. N., and P. K. Singh. 1978. Lysogeny in the blue-green alga Nostoc muscorum. Arch. Microbiol. -265
  8. Padhy, R. N., and P. K. Singh. 1978. Reversion of virus N-1 resistant mutant ofthe blue-green alga Nostoc muscorum. Experientia 34:1565
  9. Padhy, R. N., and P. K. Singh. 1978. Effects of host aging, ions, and pH on the adsorption of the cyanovirus N-1 to Nostoc muscorum. Arch. Microbiol. 116:289-292.
  10. Samimi, B., and G. Drews. 1978. Adsorption of cyanophage AS-1 to unicellular cyanobacteria and isolation of receptor material from Anacystis nidulans. J. Virol. 25:164-174.
  11. Sherman, L. A., and R. M. Brown. 1978. Cyanophages and viruses of eukaryotic algae, p. 145-234. In H. Fraenkel-Conrat and R. R. Wagner (eds.), Comprehensive Virology. Plenum Press, New York.
  12. Singh, S. P., and A. K. Kashyap. 1978. Manganese toxicity and mutagenesis in two blue-green algae. Environmental and Experimental Botany 18:47-53.
  13. Stenz, E., and G. Menzel. 1978. [Effect of 1,3,5-triazines on several prokaryote viruses and their hosts]. Zeitsch. Allg. Mikrobiol. 34:748-753.

[edit] 1977

  1. Al-Musavi, R. A. 1977. Effect of photosynthesis and respiration on growth of cyanophages of Anabaena variabilis. Mikcrobiologiya 46:725-729.
  2. Barkley, M. B., and P. R. Desjardins. 1977. Simple, effective method for purifying the AS-1 cyanophage. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 33:971-974.
  3. Cocito, C., and D. Goldstein. 1977. Inhibition of lytic induction in lysogenic cyanophyces. J. Virol. 23:483-491.
  4. Jenifer, F. G. Studies on the natural relationships of cyanophages and their hosts and the nature of resistance. . 1977. New Brunswick, N.J., Comple.Rep.Water Resour.Res.Inst.
  5. Katz, A., J. Weckesser, G. Drews, and H. Mayer. 1977. Chemical and biological studies on the lipopolysaccharide (O-antigen) of Anacystis nidulans. Arch. Microbiol. 113:247-256.
  6. Khudyakov, I. Y. 1977. Characteristics of a new cyanophage S-2L lysing the unicellular cyanobacterium belonging to the Synechococcus genus. Mikrobiologiia ???:904-907.
  7. Khudyakov, I. Y., M. D. Kirnos, N. I. Aleksandrushkina, and B. F. Vanyushin. 1977. 2,6-Diaminopurine—a new adenine substituting base in DNA of cyanophage S-2. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 232:965-968.
  8. Kirnos, M. D., I. Y. Khudyakov, N. I. Alexandrushkina, and B. F. Vanyushin. 1977. 2-Aminoadenine is an adenine substituting for a base in S-2L cyanophage DNA. Nature 270:369-370.
  9. Koz'yakov, S. Y. 1977. Cyanophages of series A (L), specific for blue-green algae Anabaena variabilis, p. 151-171. In B. V. Gromov (ed.), Experimental Algology. Biolog.Sci.Res.Inst., Leningrad State University,
  10. Padhy, R. N., and P. K. Singh. 1977. Effect of temperature on the adsorption and one-step growth of the Nostoc virus N-1. Archives of Microbiology 115:163-167.
  11. Padhy, R. N., and P. K. Singh. 1977. Effect of physical and chemical agents on the blue-green algal virus N-1. Acta Virol. 21:264-267.
  12. Padhy, R. N., and P. K. Singh. 1977. Effect of pH and EDTA on multiplication of blue-green algal virus. Microbios Letters 5:135-139.
  13. Parker, D. L., Jansen, G. P., and Corbett, L. Effects of cyanophage SAM-1 upon Microcystis aeruginosa. EPA-600/3-77-079. 1977. Corvallis, Orgegon, Evironmental Research Laboratory.
  14. Sharma, C. R., G. S. Venkataraman, and N. Prakash. 1977. Cyanophage AC-1 infecting the blue green alga Anacystis nidulans. Curr. Sci. 46:496-497.
  15. Silverberg, J., A. Rimon, M. Kessel, and A. B. Oppenheim. 1977. Assembly site of cyanophage LPP-2-SPI in Plectonema boryanum. Virology 77:437-440.
  16. Singh, R. N., and A. K. Kashyap. 1977. Induction of mutations in the blue-green alga Plectonema boryanum. Mut. Res. 43:37-44.
  17. Singh, R. N., and A. K. Kashyap. 1977. Isolation and characterization of temperature sensitive mutants of cyanophage LPP-1. Mol. Gen. Genet. 154:31-34.
  18. Stagg, C. H., and C. P. Gerba. 1977. Cyanophage as an Indicator of Animal Viruses in Wastewater. Journal / Water Pollution Control Federation 49:1915-1916.
  19. Stanley, J. L., and R. E. Cannon. 1977. Serological typing and chlorination resistance of wastewater cyanophages. J. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 49:1993-1999.
  20. Stewart, W. D. P., and M. Daft. 1977. Microbial pathogens of cyanophycean blooms, p. 177-218. In M. R. Droop and H. W. Jannasch (eds.), Advances in Aquatic Microbiology. Volume 1. Academic Press, New York.

[edit] 1976

  1. Allen, M. M., and F. Hutchison. 1976. Effect of some environmental factors on cyanophage AS-1 development in Anacystis nidulans. Archives of Microbiology 110:55-60.
  2. Amla, D. V. 1976. Genetics of cyanophyceae and cyanophages. Banaras Hindu University, India.
  3. Asato, Y. 1976. Ultraviolet light inactivation and photoreactivation of AS-1 cyanophage in Anacystitis nidulans. J. Bacteriol. 126:550-552.
  4. Barkley, M. B. 1976. Ultrastructure of the blue-green algae Anacystis nidulans infected with AS-1 virus. University of California, Riverside.
  5. Borbely, G., M. Kolcsei, and G. L. Farkas. 1976. The??? Post-maturation cleavage of 23S ribosomal-RNA in Anacystis nidulans is inhibited by infection with cyanphage AS-1. Molec. Biol. Rpts. 3:139-142.
  6. Cannon, R. E., M. S. Shane, and J. M. Whitaker. 1976. Interaction of Plectonema boryanum (Cyanophyceae) and the LPP cyanophages in continuous culture. J. Phycol. 12:418-421.
  7. Cocito, C., B. Coucau, and D. Goldstein. 1976. Induction of a lytic cycle in lysogenic cyanophyces, p. 657-662. In AnonymousNucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis in Plants. Strasbourg, France.
  8. Delaney, S. F., M. Herdman, and N. G. Carr. 1976. Genetics of blue-green algae, p. 15-16. In R. A. Lewin (ed.), The Genetics of Algae. University of California Press, Berkeley.
  9. Fox, J. A., S. J. Booth, and E. L. Martin. 1976. Cyanophage SM-2: A new blue-green algal virus. Virology 73:557-560.
  10. Ginzberg, D., E. Padan, and M. Shilo. 1976. Metabolic aspects of LPP cyanophage replication in the cyanobacterium Plectonema boryanum. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 423:440-449.
  11. Goryushin, V. A., E. S. Shatokhina, G. A. Grigoreva, and S. V. Shestakov. 1976. Lysogeny in unicellular blue-green algae. Vestn. Mosk. Univ. ,Ser. VI, Biol. Pochvoved. 31:82-84.
  12. Gromov, B. V. 1976. Microorganisms-Algal Parasites. University of Leningrad Publishing, Leningrad.
  13. Haselkorn, R., and J. Rouviere-Yaniv. 1976. Cyanobacterial DNA-binding protein related to Escherichia coli HU. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 73:1917-1920.
  14. McMillan, J. A. 1976. S-2, a new virus of unicellular cyanobacteria. University of Wisconsin.
  15. Myrvik, A. L., J. M. Whitaker , and R. E. Cannon. 1976. The use of cellulose products to reduce agar concentration in microbiological media. Can. J. Microbiol. 22:1002-1006.
  16. Padhy, R. N., and P. K. Singh. 1976. Mutation to resistance for virus N-1 in the blue-green alga Nostoc muscorum. Arch. Virol. 52:85-90.
  17. Polukhina, L. E., E. A. Karbysheva, and S. V. Shestakova. 1976. Reactivation of ultraviolet irradiated cyanophage AS-1 in cells of the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans. Vestn. Mosk. Univ. ,Ser. VI, Biol. Pochvoved. 31:30-33.
  18. Raboy, B., E. Padan, and M. Shilo. 1976. Heterotrophic capacities of Plectonema boryanum. Arch. Microbiol. 110:77-85.
  19. Rimon, A., and A. B. Oppenheim. 1976. Protein synthesis following infection of the blue-green alga Plectonema boryanum with the temperate virus SPI and its ts mutants. Virology 71:444-452.
  20. Safferman, R. S., and M. E. Morris. 1976. Assessment of virus removal by a multistage activated sludge process. Water Res. 10:413-420.
  21. Satava, J. 1976. Blue-green algae and cyanophages as a model in molecular biology. Biol. Listy 41:121-124.
  22. Sherman, L. A., M. Connelly, and D. M. Sherman. 1976. Infection of Synechococcus cedrorum by the cyanophage AS-1M. I. Ultrastructure of infection and phage assembly. Virology 71:1-16.
  23. Sherman, L. A., and P. Pauw. 1976. Infection of Synechococcus cedrorun by the cyanophage AS-IM. II. Protein and DNA synthesis. Virology 71:17-27.
  24. Sherman, L. A. 1976. Infection of Synochecoccus cedrorum by the cyanophage AS-1M. III. Cellular metabolism and phage development. Virology 71:199-206.
  25. Sherman, L. A., and M. Connelly. 1976. Isolation and characterization of a cyanophage infecting the unicellular blue-green algae. Virology 72:540-554.
  26. Singh, R. N., and I. J. Chaubev. 1976. The genetics of cyanophyceae and cyanophages: problems and prospects. J. Cytol. Genet. 11:116-121.
  27. Singh, R. N., and A. K. Kashyap. 1976. Mutagenesis in cyanophage LPP-1. Mut. Res. 37:19-25.
  28. Sirenko, L. A., V. O. Myslovich, V. A. Goryushin, and D. P. Mikhailyuk. 1976. Effect of infection with cyanophage AM-1 on the metabolism of the blue-green alga. Fiziol. Rast. 23:1214-1218.
  29. Smedberg, C. T., and R. E. Cannon. 1976. Cyanophage analysis as a biological pollution indicator--bacteria and viral. Journal / Water Pollution Control Federation 48:2416-???
  30. Stewart, W. D. P., and M. J. Daft. 1976. Algal lysing agents of freshwater habitats, p. 63-90. In F. A. Skinner and J. G. Carr (eds.), Microbiology in Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Symposium Series #4. Academic Press, New York.
  31. Udvardy, J., B. Sivok, G. Borbely, and G. L. Farkas. 1976. Formation in the dark of virus-induced deoxyribonuclease activity in Anacystis nidulans, an obligate photoautotroph. J. Bacteriol. 126:630-633.
  32. Zatula, D. G., V. G. Pilipenko, M. I. Mendzhul, N. V. Nesterova, and T. G. Lysenko. 1976. Studies in intracellular development and dynamics of biosynthesis of lytic enzymes of cyanophage LPP-1A in Plectonema boryanum cells. Proc. Acad. Sci. ,URSR 2:178-181.

[edit] 1975

  1. Booth, S. 1975. Isolation, identification, and partial characterization of cyanophage LPP-2N. University of Nebraska.
  2. Cowlishaw, J., and M. Mrsa. 1975. Co-evolution of a virus-alga system. Appl. Microbiol. 29:234-239. full text
  3. Gromov, B. V., I. Ya. Khudyakov, and K. A. Mamkaeva. 1975. An electron microscopic study of the intracellular development of cyanophage A-4(L). Bull. Leningrad Univ. 15:74-76.
  4. Kozyakov, S. Y., and L. P. Efremova. 1975. A comparative study of the cyanophages of Anabaena variabilis. Bull. Leningrad Univ. 21:104-106.
  5. Mendzhul, M. I., S. P. Bobrovnik, T. G. Lysenko, and A. D. Schved. 1975. Effect of certain physioco-chemical factors on the infectivity of cyanophages. Mikrobiol. Zh. 37:73-79.
  6. Menzel, G., E. Stenz, I. M. Toure, B. Gebler, and G. Schuster. 1975. [Effect of several plant growth regulators on various prokaryotes and their viruses]. Z Allg Mikrobiol 15:259-268.
  7. Nesterova, N. V., V. G. Pilipenko, M. I. Mendzhul, and S. K. Votselko. 1975. Study of the structural proteins of LPP-1A cyanophage. Mikrobiol. Zh. 37:606-609.
  8. Pearson, N. J., E. A. Small, and M. M. Allen. 1975. Electron microscopic study of the infection of Anacystis nidulans by the cyanophage AS-1. Virology 65:469-479.
  9. Pilipenko, V. G., N. V. Nesterova, M. I. Mendzhul, and S. P. Bobrovnik. 1975. Certain properties of lytic enzymes of LPP-1A cyanophage. Mikrobiol. Zh. 37:460-467.
  10. Rimon, A., and A. B. Oppenheim. 1975. Heat induction of the blue-green alga Plectonema boryanium lysogenic for the cyanophage SPIctsI. Virology 64:454-463.
  11. Singh, P. 1975. Photoreactivation of UV-irradiated blue-green algae and algal virus LPP-1. Arch. Mikrobiol. 103:297-302. abstract
  12. Singh, P. K. 1975. Sensitization of algal virus to UV by the incorporation of 5-bromouracil and mutations of host alga Plectonema boryanum. Zeitsch. Allg. Mikrobiol. 15:547-552.
  13. Singh, P. K. 1975. Lysogeny of blue-green alga Plectonuma boryanum by long tailed virus. Mol. Gen. Genet. 137:181-183.

[edit] 1974

  1. Cannon, R. E., M. S. Shange, and E. DeMichele. 1974. Ecology of blue-green algal viruses. J. Environ. Eng. Div. , ASCE 100:1205-1211.
  2. Chang, H. Y. Y., and M. M. Allen. 1974. The isolation of rhapidosomes from the blue-green alga, Spirulina. J. Gen. Microbiol. 18:121-???
  3. Goryushin, V. A., S. M. Chaplinskaya, O. A. Shainskaya, and V. N. Lakosnik. 1974. Viruses lysing blue-green algae, p. 45-53. In Viruses and Viral Diseases of Plants. Naukova Dumka, Kiev.
  4. Goryushin, V. A., and S. M. Chaplinskaya. 1974. Viruses of blue-green algae, p. 9-17. In V. D. Federov and M. M. Telitchenko (eds.), Topical Problems of the Biology of Bluegrene Algae. Nauka, Moscow.
  5. Gromov, B., S. Y. Kozyakov, K. A. Mamkaeva, and E. I. Gaevskaya. 1974. Electron microscopic study of cyanophage A-1(L) development in the cells of blue-green alga Anabaena variabilis. Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR,Biol. 2:286-288.
  6. Karbysheva, E. A., V. A. Goryushin, D. P. Mikhailyuk, and S. V. Shestakov. 1974. A study of the survival of cyanophage AM-1 irradiated with UV and x-rays in cells of radiosensitive mutants of the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans. Biol. Nauki. 17:118-121.
  7. Kozyakov, S. Y. 1974. A study of the development of cyanophage A-1(L) in a culture of the blue-green alga Anabaena variabilis. Bull. Leningrad Univ. 15:102-108.
  8. McLaughlin, T., and N. Lazaroff. 1974. Photosensitization of cyanophage N-1. J. Gen. Virol. 25:171-174.
  9. Mendzhul, M. I., V. V. Zhygir , S. P. Bobrovnik, and T. G. Lysenko. 1974. Some biological properties of cyanophage LPP-1 strain. Mikrobiol. Zh. 36:185-189.
  10. Mendzhul, M. I., V. V. Zhygir , S. P. Bobrovnik, and T. G. Lysenko. 1974. Identification of virus LPP-1 isolates from artificial water bodies of the Dnieper. Mikrobiol. Zh. 36:47-53.
  11. Mendzhul, M. I., S. A. Bobrovnik, and T. G. Lysenko. 1974. Study of cyanophage LPP-1 adsorption onto cells of cyanophyceae (Plectonema boryanum). Vop. Virus 1:31-36.
  12. Moskovets, S. M., M. I. Mendzhul, N. V. Nesterova, N. S. Dyachenko, N. P. Vantsak, and T. G. Lysenko. 1974. Infection of HeLa cells with nucleic acids of LPP group algophages. Mikrobiol. Zh. 36:43-46.
  13. Reim, R. L., M. S. Shane, and R. E. Cannon. 1974. The characterization of a bacillus capsule of blue-green bacteriocidal activity. Can. J. Microbiol. 20:981-986.
  14. Rimon, A., and A. B. Oppenheim. 1974. Isolation and genetic mapping of temperature-sensitive mutants of cyanophage LPP2-SPI. Virology 62:454-569.
  15. Schnayer, N., and F. G. Jenifer. 1974. Inactivation of blue-green alga virus, AS-1, by isolated host lipopolysaccharide. Proc. Am. Phytopath. Soc. 1:144
  16. Singh, P. K. 1974. Isolation and characterization of a new virus infecting the blue-green alga Plectonema boryanum. Virology 58:586-588.
  17. Venkataraman, G. S., and B. D. Kaushik. 1974. Cyanophages. New Botanist 1:96-102.
  18. Vorontsova, G. V., E. A. Karbysheva, V. A. Goryushin, and S. V. Shestakov. 1974. Effect of caffeine and acriflavine on survival of UV-irradiated cyanophage AM-1 in the cells of radiosensitive mutants of Anacystis nidulans. Biol. Nauki. 11:107-110.

[edit] 1973

  1. Adolph, K. W., and R. Haselkorn. 1973. Isolation and characterization of a virus infecting a blue-green alga of genus Synechococcus. Virology 54:230-236.
  2. Adolph, K. W., and R. Haselkorn. 1973. Blue-green algal virus N-1: Physical properties and disassembly into structural parts. Virology 53:427-440.
  3. Cannon, R. E. 1973. The effect of stress and non-stress conditions upon the interaction of Plectonema boryanum and the LPP-phycoviruses. University of Delaware.
  4. Chaubey, I. J. 1973. Genetics of blue-green algae and their viruses: isolation, characterization and mutagenesis of cyanophages. Banaras Hindu University, India.
  5. Choudhury, I. D. 1973. Genetics of blue-green algae and their viruses. Banaras Hindu University, India.
  6. Kaushik, B. D., and G. S. Venkataraman. 1973. Isolation of a new cyanophage, TAuHN-1. Current Science 42:395-396.
  7. Khudyakov, I. Y., and B. V. Gromov. 1973. The temperate cyanophage A-4 (L) of the blue-green alga Anabaena variabilis. Mikrobiologiia 904-907.
  8. Kirillova, F. M., and S. M. Chaplinskaya. 1973. Morphogenesis of the virus of blue-green algae studied by electron microscopy. Mikrobiologiia 42:510-512.
  9. Mendzhul, M. I., T. G. Lysenko, S. A. Bobrovnik, and M. Y. Spivak. 1973. Detection of A-1 virus of blue-green alga Anabaena varibilitis in the Kremenchug artificial reservoir. Microbiol. Zh. 35:747-751.
  10. Nesterova, N. V., T. S. Sagun , V. G. Pilipenko, and N. I. Aleksandrushkina. 1973. Nucleotide composition of DNA in blue-green alga Plectonema boryanum and virus LPP-1. Mikrobiol. Zh. 35:126-129.
  11. Padan, E., and M. Shilo. 1973. Cyanophages—viruses attacking blue-green algae. Bacteriol. Rev. 37:343-370.
  12. Safferman, R. S. 1973. Phycoviruses, p. 214-237. In N. G. Carr and B. A. Whitton (eds.), The Biology of Blue-Green Algae. University of California Press, Berkeley.
  13. Safferman, R. S. 1973. Special methods—virus detection in cyanophyceae, p. 145-158. In J. R. Stein (ed.), Handbook of Phycological Methods-Culture Methods and Growth Measurements. Cambridge University Press, London.
  14. Topatschewsky, A. V., and L. A. Sirenko. 1973. Ecophysiological aspects of blooming and the problem of pure water. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 18:1338-1347.
  15. Venkataraman, G. S., B. D. Kaushik, G. Subramanian, S. Shanmugasundaram, and A. Govindarajan. 1973. Cyanophage AC-1: a phage infecting unicellular and colonial blue-green algae. Current Science 42:104-105.

[edit] 1972

  1. Adolph, K. W., and R. Haselkorn. 1972. Comparison of the structures of blue-green algal viruses LPP-IM and LPP-2 and bacteriophage T7. Virology 47:701-710.
  2. Adolph, K. W., and R. Haselkorn. 1972. Photosynthesis and the development of the blue-green algal virus N-1. Virology 47:370-374.
  3. Adolph, K. W. 1972. Isolation and characterization of viruses infecting blue-green algae. University of Chicago.
  4. Cannon, R. E., and M. S. Shane. 1972. The effect of antibiotic stress on protein synthesis in the establishment of lysogeny of Plectonema boryanum. Virology 49:130-133.
  5. Desjardins, P. R., and M. B. Barkley. 1972. AS-1 virus adsorption to cells and spheroplasts of Synechococcus cedrorum. Ann. Proc. Electron Microscope Soc. Am. 30:332-333.
  6. Dhar, B. 1972. Genetics of blue-green algae and their viruses. Banaras Hindu University, India.
  7. Fjerdingstad, E. 1972. Gas vacuoles and other virus-like structures in blue-green algae. Schweiz. Zeitsch. Hydrologie 34:135-154.
  8. Granhall, U. 1972. Aphanizomenon flow-aquae: infection by cyanophages. Physiol. Plantarum 26:332-337. abstract & pay article
  9. Koz'yakov, S. Y. 1972. Cyanophage A-1 (L) of the blue-green alga Anabaena variabilis. Microbiology 41:486-489.
  10. Kozyakov, S. Y., B. V. Gromov , and I. Y. Khudyakov. 1972. A-1(L)—cyanophage of the blue-green alga Anabaena variabilis. Mikrobiologiia 41:555-559.
  11. MacKenzie, J. J., and R. Haselkorn. 1972. An electron microscope study of infection by the blue-green algal virus SM-1. Virology 49:505-516.
  12. MacKenzie, J. J. 1972. An investigation of the blue-green algae virus SM-1. University of Chicago.
  13. MacKenzie, J. J., and R. Haselkorn. 1972. Physical properties of blue-green algal virus SM-1 and its DNA. Virology 49:497-504.
  14. MacKenzie, J. J., and R. Haselkorn. 1972. Photosynthesis and the development of blue-green algal virus SM-1. Virology 49:517-521.
  15. Mendzhul, M. I., V. V. Zhygir , and T. G. Lysenko. 1972. Concentration of LPP-1 using polyethylene glycol. Mikrobiol. Zh. 34:375-377.
  16. Padan, E., M. Shilo, and A. B. Oppenheim. 1972. Lysogeny of the blue-green alga Plectonema boryanum by LPP2-SP1 cyanophage. Virology 47:525-526.
  17. Safferman, R. S., T. O. Diener, P. R. Desjardins, and M. E. Morris. 1972. Isolation and characterization of AS-1, a phycovirus infecting the blue-green algae, Anacystis nidulans and Synechococcus cedrorum. Virology 47:105-113.
  18. Shane, M. S., R. E. Cannon, and E. DeMichele. 1972. Pollution effects on phycovirus and host algae ecology. Journal / Water Pollution Control Federation 44:2294-2302.
  19. Shilo, M. 1972. The ecology of cyanophages. Bamidgeh 24:76-82.
  20. Singh, R. N., P. K. Singh, A. K. Kashyap, T. A. Sarma, B. Dhar, I. J. Chaubey, and I. D. Choudhury. 1972. Isolation and characterization of new cyanophages and mutations of LPP-1 and host alga Plectonema boryanum, p. 585-591. In T. V. Desikachary (ed.), Taxonomy and Biology of Blue-Green Algae. University of Madra Press, India.
  21. Singh, R. N., and P. K. Singh. 1972. Ultraviolet damage, modifications and repair of blue-green algae and their viruses, p. 246-272. In T. V. Desikachary (ed.), Taxonomy and Biology of Blue-Green Algae. Madras Press, India.
  22. Singh, R. N., and P. K. Singh. 1972. Transduction and lysogeny in blue-green algae, p. 258-262. In T. V. Desikachary (ed.), Taxonomy and Biology of Blue-Green Algae. University of Madras Press, Madras, India.
  23. Stepaniuk, V. V., M. I. Mandzhul, V. V. Zhygir, S. P. Bobrovnik, and N. V. Nesterova. 1972. Electron microscopic study of DNA and the virus of Plectonema boryanum. Mikrobiol. Zh. 34:748-753.

[edit] 1971

  1. Adolph, K. W., and R. Haselkorn. 1971. Isolation and characterization of a virus infecting the blue-green alga Nostoc muscorum. Virology 46:200-208.
  2. Cannon, R. E., M. S. Shane, and V. N. Bush. 1971. Lysogeny of a blue-green alga Plectonema boryanum. Virology 45:149-153.
  3. Kashyap, A. K. 1971. Mutagenesis in cyanophage LPP-1 and its host alga Plectonema boryanum. Banaras Hindu University, India.
  4. Mendzhul, M. I., and V. V. Zhygir. 1971. Formation of the infectious form of the blue-green algal virus in plant tissue culture. Mikrobiol. Zh. 35:601-605.
  5. Mendzhul, M. I., and V. V. Zhygir. 1971. Electron microscopic investigation of the caudal process structure of the virus LPP-1 isolate. Mikrobiol. Zh. 33:460-464.
  6. Moskovets, S. M., N. V. Nesterova, S. K. Votselko, V. V. Stepaniuk, M. I. Mendzhul, and V. G. Pilipenko. 1971. Physical characteristics and electron microscopy of virus LPP-1 DNA. Mikrobiol. Zh. 33:583-589.
  7. Moskovets, S. M., M. I. Mendzhul, N. V. Nesterova, O. S. Khil, and V. V. Zhygir. 1971. A virus lysing certain species of blue-green algae. Biol. Nauki. 14:88-91.
  8. Padan, E., B. Raboy, and M. Shilo. 1971. Endogenous dark respiration of the blue-green alga, Plectonema boryanum. J. Bacteriol. 106:45-50.
  9. Padan, E., A. Rimon, D. Ginzberg, and M. Shilo. 1971. A thermosensitive cyanophage (LPP1-G) attacking the blue-green alga Plectonema boryanum. Virology 45:773-776.
  10. Shane, M. S. 1971. Distribution of blue-green algal viruses in various types of natural waters. Water Res. 5:711-716.
  11. Sherman, L. A., and R. Haselkorn. 1971. Growth the blue-green algae virus LPP-1 under conditions which impair photosynthesis. Virology 45:739-746.
  12. Shilo, M. 1971. Biological agents which cause lysis of blue-green algae. Vehr. Int. Verein. Limnol. 19:206-213.

[edit] 1970

  1. Daft, M. J., J. Begg, and W. D. P. Stewart. 1970. A virus of blue-green algae from freshwater habitats in Scotland. New Phytol. 69:1029-1038.
  2. Dhaliwal, A. S., and G. K. Dhaliwal. 1970. Physiology of algae and the in-vivo multiplication of algal virus. Adv. Frontiers Plant. Sci. 24:65-74.
  3. Gromov, B. V., and S. Kozyakov. 1970. A study of the peculiarities of the interrelationship between a blue-green algal population Plectonema boryanum and cyanophage LPP-1. Bull. Leningrad Univ. 1:128-135.
  4. Padan, E., D. Ginzburg, and M. Shilo. 1970. The reproductive cycle of cyanophage LPP1-G in Plectonema boryanum and its dependence on photosynthetic and respiratory systems. Virology 40:514-521.
  5. Sherman, L. A., and R. Haselkorn. 1970. LPP-1 infection of the blue-green alga Plectonema boryanum. III. Protein synthesis. J. Virol. 6:841-846.
  6. Sherman, L. A. 1970. The structure and replication of the blue-green algae virus, LPP-1. University of Chicago.
  7. Sherman, L. A., and R. Haselkorn. 1970. Infection of the blue-green alga Plectonema boryanum. J. Virol. 6:820-846.
  8. Sherman, L. A., and R. Haselkorn. 1970. LPP-1 infection of the blue-green alga Plectonema boryanum. II. Viral deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis and host deoxyribonucleic acid breakdown. J. Virol. 6:834-840.
  9. Sherman, L. A., and R. Haselkorn. 1970. LPP-1 infection of the blue-green alga Plectonema boryanum. I. electron microscopy. J. Virol. 6:820-833.

[edit] Publications (1960s)

[edit] 1969

  1. Cowie, D. B., and L. Prager. 1969. Cyanophyta and their viruses, p. 391-397. In Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook. Carnegie Institute of Washington, Washington, DC.
  2. Granhall, U., and A. van Hofsten. 1969. The ultrastructure of a cyanophage attack on Anabaena variabilis. Physiol. Plantarum 22:713-722. abstract & pay article
  3. Padan, E., and M. Shilo. 1969. Distribution of cyanophages in natural habitats. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 17:747-751. abstract summary & pay article
  4. Peelen, R. 1969. Possibilities to prevent blue-green algal growth in the Delta region of the Netherlands. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 17:763-766.
  5. Safferman, R. S., I. R. Schneider, R. L. Steere, M. E. Morris, and T. O. Diener. 1969. Phycovirus SM-1: a virus infecting unicellular blue-green algae. Virology 37:386-395. abstract & pay article
  6. Safferman, R. S., M. E. Morris, L. A. Sherman, and R. Haselkorn. 1969. Serological and electron microscopic characterization of a new group of blue-green algae viruses (LPP-2). Virology 39:775-781.
  7. Shilo, M. 1969. New approaches to the control of harmful brackish and fresh water algae of economic importance. Biotech. Bioeng. Symp. 1:177-184.

[edit] 1968

  1. Dhaliwal, A. S., and G. K. Dhaliwal. 1968. Chromatographic purification of blue-green algal virus LPP-1. Adv. Frontiers Plant. Sci. 21:195-203.
  2. Etana, P., and M. Shilo. 1968. Spread of viruses attacking blue-green algae in freshwater ponds and their interaction with Plectonema boryanum. Bamidgeh 20:77-88.
  3. Ginzberg, D., E. Padan, and M. Shilo. 1968. Effect of cyanophage infection on CO2 photoassimilation in Plectonema boryanum. J. Virol. 2:695-701. full text
  4. Goryushin, V. A., and S. M. Chaplinskaya. 1968. Finding of the viruses lysing blue-green algae, p. 171-174. In Blooming Waters. Scientific Thought Publishing House, Kiev.
  5. Luftig, R., and R. Haselkorn. 1968. Comparison of blue-green algae virus LPP-1 and mophologically related viruses G111 and coliphage T7. Virology 34:675-678.
  6. Luftig, R., and R. Haselkorn. 1968. Studies on the structure of blue-green algae virus LPP-1. Virology 34:664-674. abstract & pay article
  7. Safferman, R. S. 1968. Virus diseases in blue-green algae, p. 429-439. In D. F. Jackson (ed.), Algae, Man and the Environment. Syracuse University Press, New York.
  8. Wu, J. H., G. L. Choules, and R. A. Lewin. 1968. Early stages of the infection process in a blue-green algal virus system, as affected by KCN and light, p. 153-160. In Biochemical Regulation in Diseased Plants or Injury. The Phytopathological Society of Japan, Tokyo.

[edit] 1967

  1. Goldstein, D. A., and I. J. Bendet. 1967. Physical properties of the DNA from the blue-green algal virus LPP-1. Virology 32:614-618.
  2. Goldstein, D. A., I. J. Bendet, M. A. Lauffer, and K. M. Smith. 1967. Some biological and physiochemical properties of blue-green algal virus LPP-1. Virology 32:601-613.
  3. Luftig, R., and R. Haselkorn. 1967. Morphology of a virus of blue-green algae and properties of its deoxyribonucleic acid. J. Virol. 1:344-361. full text
  4. Padan, E., M. Shilo, and N. Kislev. 1967. Isolation of "cyanophages" from freshwater ponds and their interaction with Plectonema boryanum. Virology 32:234-246. abstract & pay article
  5. Safferman, R. S., and M. E. Morris. 1967. Observation of the occurrence, distribution and seasonal incidence of blue-green algal viruses. Appl. Microbiol. 15:1219-1222. full text
  6. Shane, M. S., S. B. Wilson, and C. R. Fries. 1967. Virus-host system for use in the study of virus removal. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 59:1184-1186.
  7. Singh, P. K. 1967. Occurrence and distribution of cyanophages in ponds, sewage and rice fields. Arch. Mikrobiol 89:169-172. abstract & pay article
  8. Singh, R. N., and P. K. Singh. 1967. Isolation of cyanophages from India. Nature 216:1020-1021. abstract and pay article
  9. Smith, K. M., R. M. Brown, Jr., P. L. Walne, and D. A. Goldstein. 1967. Ultrastructural and time-lapse studies on the replication cycle of the blue-green algal virus LPP-1. Virology 31:329-337. abstract & pay article
  10. Werbin, H., J. H. Wu, and R. Lewin. 1967. In vivo and in vitro photoreactivation studies with blue-green alga, Plectonema boryanum and its virus, LPP-1. Texas J. Sci. 19:436-437.
  11. Wu, J. H., R. A. Lewin, and H. Werbin. 1967. Photoreactivation of UV-irradiated blue-green alga virus LPP-1. Virology 31:657-664. abstract
  12. Wu.J.H., and P. M. Shugarman. 1967. Effect of virus infection rate on photosynthesis and respiration of a blue-green alga, Plectonema boryanum. Virology 32:166-167. pay article
  • Luftig, R. B. 1967. Studies onf cyanophages LPP-1. University of Chicago. Ph.D. thesis.

[edit] 1966

  1. Brown, R. M., Jr., K. M. Smith, and P. L. Walne. 1966. Replication cycle of the blue-green algal virus LPP-1. Nature 212:729-730. abstract & pay article
  2. Goryushin, V. A., and S. M. Chaplinskaya. 1966. Existence of viruses of blue-green algae. Mickrobiol. Zh. Akad. Nauk. RSR 28:94-97.
  3. Rubenchik, L. I., O. I. Bershova, N. S. Novikova, and Z. P. Kopteva. 1966. Lysis of the blue-green alga Microcystis pulverea. Mikrobiol. Zh. Acad. Nauk. Ukr. 28:88-91.
  4. Smith, K. M., R. M. Brown, Jr., D. A. Goldstein, and P. L. Walne. 1966. Culture methods for the blue-green alga Plectonema boryanum and its virus with an electron microscope study of the virus-infected cells. Virology 28:580-591. NCBI link, no abstract
  5. Smith, K. M., R. M. Brown, Jr., P. L. Walne, and D. A. Goldstein. 1966. Electron microscopy of the infection process of the blue-green alga virus. Virology 30:182-192. abstract & pay article

[edit] 1965-1963 Publications (ascending-date order)

  1. Safferman, R. S., and M. E. Morris. 1964. Growth characteristics of the blue-green algal virus LPP-1. J. Bacteriol. 88:771-775. full text
  2. Safferman, R. S., and M. E. Morris. 1964. Control of algae with viruses. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 56:1217-1224.
  3. Schneider, I. R., T. O. Diener, and R. S. Safferman. 1964. Blue-green algal virus LPP-1: purification and partial characterization. Science 144:1127-1130. abstract & pay article
  4. Safferman, R. S., and M. E. Morris. 1963. Algal virus: isolation. Science 140:679-680. abstract & pay article