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CWS T-1 Torpedo
CWS T-1 Torpedo
CWS T-1 Kareta
CWS T-1 Kareta

The CWS T-1 was the first serially-built car manufactured in Poland. In fact, it was a series of different cars, all based on the T-1 chassis designed by Tadeusz Tański (hence T-1) of the Centralne Warsztaty Samochodowe (hence CWS). It is notable as probably the only car in the history of motorization that could be completely dismantled and again put together with a single tool as all the screws and bolts used for its construction had the same diameter.

Although the car was designed in 1922, it was not until 1925 the prototype tests were completed. Between 1925 and 1932 approximately 500 CWS T-1 were manufactured in a variety of versions. Among them were:

In 1930 the CWS works were swallowed by the Polish state-controlled industrial giant PZInż, yet the production was continued under the previous name. However, in 1932 a license for the Polski Fiat was purchased from Italy and the Italian head of the Fiat holding demanded that the sale of CWS cars be stopped. The Polish authorities obeyed and the CWS-1 was withdrawn from production.

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