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Eugenio Culurciello [1] is an assistant professor at Yale Uinversity [2] in the department of Electrical Engineering [3]. He was born in Palmanova, Italy, June 27th 1972 and received the Laurea (M.S.) degree of from University of Trieste [4], Italy, in July 1997, in the field of Electronics Engineering. His thesis was developed at Johns Hopkins University with professor Ernst Niebur [5], in the field of physiological testing of virtual reality displays. He joined professor Andreas G. Andreou [6] laboratory in January 1998 as a graduate student. He received a second M.S. degree from Johns Hopkins University in May 1999, in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He obtained the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering at The Johns Hopkins University in September 2004. His dissertation research focuses on the characterization of Silicon-on-Sapphire devices and circuits, and in the design, implementation, and analysis of vision systems in silicon on sapphire VLSI.
His research interests [7] include: Low power, mixed mode VLSI systems with applications to vision sensory system, Efficient communication and use of available bandwidth. Address-Event communication, Implantable sensors, Telemetry sensors. Biomimetic sensors and applications in Piconets and Smart dust. Silicon on Insulator and Silicon on Sapphire circuit design and optimization. Models of SOI MOSFETS and optoelectronic devices. SOI Analog to Digital Conversion, SOI RF circuits, Radiation tolerant SOI design, Radiation hardened isolation amplifiers. He has published more than fourty refereed articles [8].
In July of 2004, Mr. Culurciello joined the Department of Electrical Engineering [9] at Yale University [10] as an assistant professor. He founded the E-Lab laboratory [11] at Yale University [12].
[edit] Major Publications
- "An Integrated Patch-Clamp Amplifier in Silicon-on-Sapphire CMOS", F. Laiwalla, K.G. Klemic, F.J. Sigworth, E. Culurciello, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, TCAS-I, special issue on Life Science and Applications, 2006.
- "A Biomorphic Digital Image Sensor", Culurciello E., Etienne-Cummings R., Boahen K. A., IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 38, No. 2, Page(s): 281 -294, February 2003. [13]
- "A Monolithic Isolation Amplifier in Silicon-on-Insulator CMOS: Testing and Applications", G. Marcus, K. Strohben, S. Jaskulek, A.G. Andreou, E. Culurciello, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Publisher: Springer Netherlands, Volume 49, Issue1, October 2006, pp. 63-70. [14]
- "An 8-bit, 1mW Successive Approximation ADC in SOI CMOS", E. Culurciello, A.G. Andreou, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems express letters, TCAS-II, September 2006, Vol 53, N. 9, pp. 858-862. [15]
- "CMOS image sensors for sensor networks", Eugenio Culurciello and Andreas G. Andreou, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer Netherlands, Volume 49, Issue1, October 2006, pp. 39-51. [16]
- "A nano-Watt Silicon-on-Sapphire ADC using 2C-1C Capacitor Chain", Zhengming Fu, Pujitha Weerakoon, Eugenio Culurciello, IEE Electronics Letters, Volume 42, Issue 6, 16 March 2006 pp. 341-343. [17]
- "A Multi-Chip Neuromorphic System for Spike-Based Visual Information Processing", R. Jacob Vogelstein, Udayan Mallik, Eugenio Culurciello, Gert Cauwengberghs, Ralph Etienne-Cummings, (NECO-03-06-179R2) Neural Computation, 2006.