Crybaby Bridge

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There are many bridges in the United States known as "Crybaby bridge". Most are named this because the sound of a baby can be, or has been, heard from the bridge. Most are accompanied by a legend of a baby being killed nearby, or thrown from the bridge into the river or creek below.


[edit] Ohio

[edit] Rogue's Hollow

One of the many crybaby bridges is located near Doylestown, Ohio, in an area known as Rogue's Hollow. This bridge is located on Galehouse Road, between Rogue Hollow Road and Hametown Road. The bridge spans Silver Creek. Deep in Rogue's Hollow, this road previously led from the bottom of the hollow (Hametown Rd.) to the top (Rogue Hollow Rd.). The bridge is only approachable from Hametown Rd., as the steeper portion of the road was closed and removed. The bridge is property of the Rogue's Hollow historical society, which also owns the adjacent Chidester Mill.

Rogue's Hollow Historical Society "Map to the Mill" link refers to the bridge

[edit] The Screaming Bridge of Maud Hughes Road

Maud Hughes Road is located in Liberty Township, Ohio. It has been the site of many terrible accidents and suicides. Railroad tracks lay 25 feet below the bridge, and at least 36 people have been reported dead on or around the Maud Hughes Road Bridge. Ghostly figures, mists, and lights have been seen, as well as black hooded figures and a phantom train. The legend says that a car once stalled on top of the bridge. The man got out to get help while the girl stayed. When the man returned, the girl was hanging on the bridge above the tracks. The man then perished with unexplained causes. To this day, many people have reported hearing the ghosts' conversations, then a woman's scream followed by a man's scream. Another story says that a woman once threw her baby off the bridge and then hung herself afterwards.

[edit] Maryland

[edit] Upper Marlboro

The Upper Marlboro "Crybaby Bridge" has turned many skeptics into believers.

[edit] Ode to Billie Joe & the Tallahatchie Bridge

Ever since it first topped the charts in 1967, Bobbie Gentry's haunting story song, Ode to Billie Joe spawned rumors that the item referred to in the lyrics as having been thrown from the Tallahatchie Bridge on Choctaw Ridge (Mississippi) was a baby [1].

Gentry's comments that the song was based on a true story were misconstrued and resulted in speculation that the narrator of the song gave birth and chose to resort to infanticide rather than reveal the pregnancy to her religious family. Billy Joe's subsequent suicide is explained having resulted from his guilt.

In reality, the song lyric never says what it was that the two threw off the Tallahatchie bridge, the nature of their relationship nor indeed why the boy jumped to his death.

The song's popularity and mysterious lyrics led to a 1976 film based on the song which explores a different but equally shocking solution to the unanswered questions raised by the lyrics. Despite this, belief remains strong among listeners of the song that the lyrics refer to a pair of teen lovers throwing their baby off the bridge in a desperate act.

The similarity between the beliefs about the song and the stories of Crybaby Bridges are coincidental but quite remarkable.

[edit] References

[edit] See Also

[edit] External links