Croatian Mountaineering Association

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Croatian Mountaineering Association (Hrvatski planinarski savez) covers the complete range of related activities. Unlike majority of the international mountaineering associations, this Association comprises speleology, climbing, orienteering and mountain rescue.

The Association is responsible for the maintenance of mountain huts and paths in Croatia, and is the publisher of the magazine "Hrvatski planinar" (The Croatian Mountaineer) and of other promotional materials. Through schools and courses it provides relevant professional education and training. Whatever information you may need on the Croatian mountains and mountaineering, you can get from the Mountaineering Association of Croatia.

Operations of the Croatian Mountaineering Association are managed by its Executive Committee and its professional work carried out through the commissions for:

  • Mountain Rescue;
  • Guiding;
  • Caving;
  • Alpinism;
  • Competition Climbing;
  • Orienteering;
  • Promotion & Publications;
  • Mountain Paths;
  • Environment
  • Awards;
  • Husbandry;
  • Legal matters;
  • History of Mountaineering

Member of the Association and members of the UIAA have a 50% discount on a night's accommodation in all huts in Croatia. Currently the Association numbers some 20,000 registered members from over 200 clubs and regional associations.

The Croatian Climbing Society (HPD) was founded in 1874, which puts the Croats among the first seven nations in the world with a climbing organization. It is of interest that at the beginning climbing in Croatia was directed towards scientific research into the natural features of the mountains, and less towards the conquest of peaks. Thus leading university professors and scientists were members of the society in the last century.