Crisis (British band)

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This article is about the British band. For other uses, see Crisis (disambiguation).

Crisis was a British political punk rock group formed in 1977.

Crisis performed at rallies for Rock Against Racism (RAR), and the Anti-Nazi League (ANL), organizations that neoist and Crisis/Death in June critic Stewart Home wrote were fronts for the Socialist Workers Party.[1] Home further stated that the SWP organized a tour of Norway for Crisis and that Wakeford was a "card-carrying member of the SWP". Crisis had gained a substantial following in the UK punk scene, which was getting its legs at that time. In 2005, the Crisis discography was released on a single CD entitled Holocaust Hymns through Apop Records.

[edit] Dissolution

After the dissolution of Crisis, Douglas Pearce and Tony Wakeford formed Death In June in 1981 in England. Luke Rendell joined Theatre of Hate and Lester Jones formed Carcrash International[2].

[edit] External links