Cricothyroid muscle

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Cricothyroid muscle
Muscles of larynx. Side view. Right lamina of thyroid cartilage removed.
Latin Cricothyreoideus
Gray's subject #236
Origin: Anterior and Lateral Cricoid Cartilage
Insertion: Inferior Cornu and Lamina of the Thyroid Cartilage
Nerve: external laryngeal branch of the vagus

The cricothyroid muscle attaches to the anterolateral aspect of the cricoid and the inferior cornu and lower lamina of the thyroid cartilage, tilting the thyroid forwards and tensing the vocal cords. It's the only laryngeal muscle supplied by the external laryngeal nerve (rather than the recurrent laryngeal nerve).

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Muscles of the HeadNeckTrunkUpper limbLower limbLIST OF ALL MUSCLES

scalp/eyelid: occipitofrontalis (occipitalis, frontalis) - orbicularis oculi - corrugator supercilii - depressor supercilii | (Gray's s105 - Gray's s106)

nose: procerus - nasalis - depressor septi nasi - dilatator naris posterior - dilatator naris anterior - levator labii superioris alaeque nasi | (Gray's s107)

mouth: levator labii superioris - levator anguli oris - zygomaticus (major, minor) - mentalis - depressor labii inferioris - depressor anguli oris - buccinator - orbicularis oris - risorius | (Gray's s108)

mastication: masseter - temporalis - pterygoid (lateral, medial) | (Gray's s109)

extraocular: levator palpebrae superioris - superior tarsal - rectus (superior, inferior, medial, lateral) - oblique (superior, inferior) | intraocular: ciliary - iris dilator - iris sphincter | (Gray's s227)

hearing: auricularis anterior - stapedius - tensor tympani | (Gray's s228-Gray's s232)

larynx: cricothyroid - posterior cricoarytenoid - lateral cricoarytenoid - arytenoid - thyroarytenoid | (Gray's s236)

tongue: extrinsic (genioglossus - hyoglossus - chondroglossus - styloglossus) intrinsic (superior longitudinal - inferior longitudinal - transversus - verticalis) | (Gray's s242)

palate: levator veli palatini - tensor veli palatini - musculus uvulae - palatoglossus - palatopharyngeus | (Gray's s243)

pharynx: pharyngeal constrictor (inferior, middle, superior) - stylopharyngeus - salpingopharyngeus | (Gray's s244)

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