User:CrazyDreamer/List of I Ching hexagrams 49-64

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I Ching hexagram 49, depicted |:|||: is named 革 (ge2), Skinning. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, Revolution (Molting); E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), The Bridle.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☲ (|:| 離 li2) Radiance = (火) fire
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☱ (||: 兌 dui4) Open = (澤) swamp
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With guidance (fire in lower) comes intensity in expression (lake in upper)"

I Ching hexagram 50, depicted :|||:| is named 鼎 (ding3), Holding. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, The Caldron; E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), The Cauldron.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☴ (:|| 巽 xun4) Ground = (風) wind
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☲ (|:| 離 li2) Radiance = (火) fire
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With cultivation (wind in lower) comes direction-setting, an ideology (fire in upper)"

I Ching hexagram 51, depicted |::|:: is named 震 (zhen4), Shake. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, The Arousing (Shock, Thunder); E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), Thunder.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☳ (|:: 震 zhen4) Shake = (雷) thunder
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☳ (|:: 震 zhen4) Shake = (雷) thunder
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With enlightenment (thunder in lower) comes awareness (thunder in upper)"

I Ching hexagram 52, depicted ::|::| is named 艮 (gèn), Bound. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, Keeping Still, Mountain; E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), Stilling.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☶ (::| 艮 gèn) Bound = (山) mountain
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☶ (::| 艮 gèn) Bound = (山) mountain
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With self-restraint (mountain in lower) comes discernment (mountain in upper)"

I Ching hexagram 53, depicted ::|:|| is named 漸 (jian4), Infiltrating. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, Development (Gradual Progress); E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), Advancing.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☶ (::| 艮 gen4) Bound = (山) mountain
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☴ (:|| 巽 xun4) Ground = (風) wind
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With self-restraint (mountain in lower) comes becoming influential (wind in upper)"

I Ching hexagram 54, depicted ||:|:: is named 歸妹 (gui1 mei4), Converting The Maiden. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, The Marrying Maiden; E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), Returning Maiden.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☱ (||: 兌 dui4) Open = (澤) swamp
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☳ (|:: 震 zhen4) Shake = (雷) thunder
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With self-reflection (lake in lower) comes awareness (thunder in upper)"

I Ching hexagram 55, depicted |:||:: is named 豐 (feng1), Abounding. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, Abundance (Fullness); E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), Abundance.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☲ (|:| 離 li2) Radiance = (火) fire
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☳ (|:: 震 zhen4) Shake = (雷) thunder
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With guidance (fire in lower) comes awareness (thunder in upper)"

I Ching hexagram 56, depicted ::||:| is named 旅 (lu3), Sojourning. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, The Wanderer; E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), Travelling.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☶ (::| 艮 gen4) Bound = (山) mountain
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☲ (|:| 離 li2) Radiance = (火) fire
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With self-restraint (mountain in lower) comes direction-setting, an ideology (fire in upper)"

I Ching hexagram 57, depicted :||:|| is named 巽 (xun4), Ground. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, The Gentle (The Penetrating, Wind); E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), Calculations.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☴ (:|| 巽 xun4) Ground = (風) wind
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☴ (:|| 巽 xun4) Ground = (風) wind
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With cultivation (wind in lower) comes becoming influential (wind in upper)"

I Ching hexagram 58, depicted ||:||: is named 兌 (dui4), Open. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, The Joyous, Lake; E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), Usurpation.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☱ (||: 兌 dui4) Open = (澤) swamp
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☱ (||: 兌 dui4) Open = (澤) swamp
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With self-reflection (lake in lower) comes intensity in expression (lake in upper)"

I Ching hexagram 59, depicted :|::|| is named 渙 (huan4), Dispersing. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, Dispersion (Dissolution); E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), Dispersal.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☵ (:|: 坎 kan3) Gorge = (水) water
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☴ (:|| 巽 xun4) Ground = (風) wind
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With containment (water in lower) comes becoming influential (wind in upper)"

I Ching hexagram 60, depicted ||::|: is named 節 (jie2), Articulating. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, Limitation; E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), Moderation.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☱ (||: 兌 dui4) Open = (澤) swamp
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☵ (:|: 坎 kan3) Gorge = (水) water
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With self-reflection (lake in lower) comes control(water in upper)" ('self-reflection' covers both the mental exercise as well as the physical exercise that includes the notion of copying, replicating etc and covers the association of sex etc with the trigram)

I Ching hexagram 61, depicted ||::|| is named 中孚 (zhong1 fu2), Centre Confirming. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, Inner Truth; E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), Central Return.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☱ (||: 兌 dui4) Open = (澤) swamp
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☴ (:|| 巽 xun4) Ground = (風) wind
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With self-reflection (lake in lower) comes becoming influential (wind in upper)"

I Ching hexagram 62, depicted ::||:: is named 小過 (xiao3 guo4), Small Exceeding. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, Preponderance of the Small; E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), Small Surpassing.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☶ (::| 艮 gen4) Bound = (山) mountain
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☳ (|:: 震 zhen4) Shake = (雷) thunder
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With self-restraint (mountain in lower) comes awareness (thunder in upper)"

I Ching hexagram 63, depicted |:|:|: is named 既濟 (ji4 ji4), Already Fording. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, After Completion; E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), Already Completed.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☲ (|:| 離 li2) Radiance = (火) fire
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☵ (:|: 坎 kan3) Gorge = (水) water
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With guidance (fire in lower) comes control (water in upper)"

I Ching hexagram 64, depicted :|:|:| is named 未濟 (wei4 ji4), Not-Yet Fording. Other translations: R. Wilhelm/C. Baynes, Before Completion; E. Shaughnessy (Mawangdui), Not Yet Completed.


  • Inner (lower) trigram is ☵ (:|: 坎 kan3) Gorge = (水) water
  • Outer (upper) trigram is ☲ (|:| 離 li2) Radiance = (火) fire
  • The trigrams can be read bottom to top as "With containment (water in lower) comes direction-setting, an ideology (fire in upper)"