Courtelary (district)

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Canton Canton of Berne
Seat Courtelary
Number of municipalities 18
Population 22,224
Area 266.00 km²
District of Courtelary
District of Courtelary
Municipalities in the district of Courtelary
Municipalities in the district of Courtelary

The district of Courtelary is located in Switzerland and is one of the 3 French-speaking districts of the Bernese Jura. The district is located in the canton of Bern with the seat being Courtelary. It has a population of about 22'224 in 2004.

Municipality Population (2004) Area (km²)
Corgémont 1532 17.60
Cormoret 528 13.43
Cortébert 737 14.75
Courtelary 1163 22.24
La Ferrière BE 550 14.23
La Heutte 481 8.00
Mont-Tramelan 133 4.64
Orvin 1207 21.43
Péry 1361 15.57
Plagne BE 391 7.55
Renan BE 790 12.62
Romont BE 213 7.07
Saint-Imier 4756 20.86
Sonceboz-Sombeval 1684 15.03
Sonvilier 1090 23.78
Tramelan 4263 24.88
Vauffelin 431 5.92
Villeret BE 914 16.22
Flag of Canton Bern Districts of the Canton of Bern
Aarberg | Aarwangen | Bern | Biel | Büren | Burgdorf | Courtelary | Erlach | Fraubrunnen | Frutigen | Interlaken | Konolfingen | Laupen | Moutier | La Neuveville | Nidau | Niedersimmental | Oberhasli | Obersimmental | Saanen | Schwarzenburg | Seftigen | Signau | Thun | Trachselwald | Wangen
Canton of Bern | Districts of Switzerland | Municipalities of the canton of Berne