County police

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County police are the police of a county in the United States, Sweden and England (formerly throughout Great Britain). In Canada, some counties maintain a similar County Patrol.


[edit] Sweden

All of the 21 Counties of Sweden contains a County Police Department of the Swedish Police Service.

[edit] United Kingdom

In England, the police are divided into regional forces based on counties (sometimes amalgamations of two or three counties), which all provide full services throughout their districts.

Police forces in Scotland and Wales also used to be organised on a county basis, but are now amalgamated into a number of larger regional forces: eight in Scotland and four in Wales.

Ireland has never been policed on a county basis, and Northern Ireland now has a single police force, the Police Service of Northern Ireland.

[edit] United States

In the United States, county police tend to exist only in metropolitan counties and have countywide jurisdiction. Much more common are sheriff's departments. County police tend to fall into three broad categories:

  • Full service police departments, which provide the full spectrum of police services to the entire county, irrespective of local communities, and may provide contractual security police services to special districts within the county.
  • Limited service police departments, which provide services to unincorporated areas of the county (and may provide services to some incorporated areas by contract), and usually provide contractual security police services to special districts within the county.
  • Restricted service police departments, which provide security police duties to county owned and operated facilities and parks. Some may also perform some road patrol duties on county built and maintained roads, and provide support to municipal police departments in the county. County detectives, which are maintained in the northeastern states by county attorneys' offices, also fall within this category.

[edit] US Departments

There are eighty county police departments in the United States, including:

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