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CountrySTAT emblem
CountrySTAT emblem

CountrySTAT is an integrated national food and agriculture statistical information system ensuring harmonization of national data and metadata collections for analysis and policy making. The webbased system is developed since May 2004 using PX-Web at FAO headquarters and successfully tested in the statistical offices of Kyrgyz Republic, Kenya, and Ghana during 2005.

Member Nations have requested FAO’s assistance in establishing or further developing their own statistical information systems. FAO Statistics Division has decided to respond to that request with CountrySTAT. An informal international expert consultation meeting on CountrySTAT enriched the principle response with concrete features in July 2003.


[edit] Overview

CountrySTAT - Search Interface
CountrySTAT - Search Interface

The CountrySTAT web system ist a browser oriented statistical framework to organize, harmonize and synchronize data collections. CountrySTAT aims are to facilitate data use by policy makers and researchers. It provides statistical standards, data exchange tools and related methods without using external data sources such as databases. The data source is a text file in a specific format, called px-file. The application supports many languages. The layout is a css file.

[edit] Features

The CountrySTAT web system is easy to install and to operate on a standard Windows XP professional machine. It is programmed in ASP with visual basic using internet information service and suitable windows software for graphical and statistical output for the intranet and internet environment.

[edit] Criticisms

The programming with VB scripts, customized DLLs and additional windows software (PC-Axis family) makes it to a platform dependently software only run with the internet information server on a Windows server machine. To use it with the internet requires an own dedicated windows server.

[edit] See also

CountrySTAT - Maps
CountrySTAT - Maps

[edit] External links