Countercoup (1909)

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The Countercoup (March 1909) is the famous coup against the "Imperial Government of the Ottoman Empire", which was established by Young Turk Revolution of 1908, aimed to dismantle the Second Constitutional Era (Ottoman Empire) and brining the monarchy of Abdul Hamid II with a dethroned Sultan's bid for a return to the Caliphate by replacing the secular policies. This failure brought the Committee of Union and Progress back from disarray, from its inability to generate a government. The countercoup ended the Arab-Turkish honeymoon because of the caliphate issues. The Committee of Union and Progress outlawed Arab societies who gave support, including the Society of Arab Ottoman Brotherhood, and prohibited the issuing of several Arab journals and newspapers with radical Islamic rethoric.

[edit] Resolution

Main article: 31 March Incident

[edit] Effects

The policies of Committee of Union and Progress toward controlling the fundamentalists which were calling Caliphate system to be imposed was perceived as silencing of all voices calling for independence and liberty. Under the multi-religious (balancing policies) or secular policy issues, Committee of Union and Progress percieved as the source of 'Turkification' all the Arab subjects of the Empire. These measures stirred elevated the nationalist and independence and freedom among Arab population.