Council of Five

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This article is about the Judge Dredd comic strip. For the Japanese history article, see Council of Five Elders.

The Council of Five is a fictional legislative body in the Judge Dredd universe.

The Council is the highest lawmaking body of Mega-City One and has sovereign power. It is also the court which tries Mega-City judges who are accused of breaking the law. A unanimous verdict is required to convict.

Members of the Council are appointed or dismissed by the chief judge. Until 2117 the chief judge chaired council meetings and had the right of veto; and when the offices of chief judge and deputy chief judge were both vacant, the Council chose the new chief judge from among themselves. However in that year the constitution was changed, so that the chief judge is no longer a member of the Council but is separate (it is not clear whether the chief judge's veto was preserved). The deputy chief judge now chairs meetings. The chief judge is now elected by 400 senior judges. (See also the Chief Judge article for additional details.)

The Council was created by Judge Goodman when he became chief judge in 2057. In 2112 Chief Judge McGruder suspended the Council and ruled alone. The Council was reinstated in 2116 by her successor, Judge Volt.

Judge Dredd himself has always declined a seat on the Council, although he sat temporarily in a vacant seat for the trial of Judge Edgar in 2122 to make up a quorum. Dredd is however effectively the unofficial sixth member under Chief Judge Hershey, in that his views very often decide the choices the council makes.

As of 2006 (or 2128 in the comic) the current members are Judges Niles (Public Surveillance Unit), Ramos (street judge), McTighe (scientist), Buell (internal affairs) and Hollister (undercover).

The Council of Five first appeared in 2000 AD prog 86.

The Council of Five (drawn by Brian Bolland). Left to right: Quimby, McGruder, Griffin, Pepper, Ecks.
The Council of Five (drawn by Brian Bolland). Left to right: Quimby, McGruder, Griffin, Pepper, Ecks.


[edit] Lists of Members of Council of Five since 2101

[edit] Alphabetical

Name Position held Joined Council Left Council
Buell Head of SJS 2123 Incumbent
Brufen Head of Tek-Division 2108 Assassinated, 2110
Creed Street judge 2104 Dismissed, 2108
Dredd Street judge 2122 Served one day
Ecks Head of Psi Division 2101 Killed in Apocalypse War, 2104
Griffin Chief Judge (2101-2104) 2101 Assassinated, 2104
Grimlet Street judge 2108 Killed in action, 2112
Herpert Street judge 2104 Dismissed, 2108
Herriman Deputy Chief Judge 2116 Assassinated, 2120
Hershey Street judge until 2120 2108 Ascended to chief judge, 2122
Deputy Chief Judge (2120-2122)
Chief Judge (2122-present)
Hollister Undercover judge 2123 Incumbent
McGruder Head of SJS until 2104 2101 (first term) Resigned 2108
Chief Judge after 2104
Chief Judge (2112-2116) 2112 (second term) Resigned 2116
McTighe Head of Tek-Division 2120 Incumbent
Niles Head of SJS until 2122 2116 Incumbent
Head of PSU after 2122
Odell Tutor at Academy of Law 2110 Suicide, 2112
Omar Head of Psi Division 2104 Killed in action, 2108
Pepper Deputy Chief Judge 2101 Assassinated, 2103
Quimby Head of Accounts 2101 Killed in Apocalypse War, 2104
Ramos Street judge 2117 Incumbent
Renbow Head of Tek-Division 2104 Dismissed, 2108
Shenker Head of Psi Division 2108 Resigned, 2122
Silver Chief Judge (2108-2112) 2108 Assassinated, 2112
Volt Chief Judge (2116-2121) 2116 Political reform, 2117
??? ??? 2103 Killed in Apocalypse War, 2104

[edit] Chronological

  • 2101–2103
    • Chief Judge Griffin
    • Deputy Chief Judge Pepper
    • SJS Judge McGruder
    • Psi-Judge Ecks
    • Accounts Judge Quimby
  • 2103–2104
    • Chief Judge Griffin
    • SJS Judge McGruder
    • Psi-Judge Ecks
    • Accounts Judge Quimby
    • Unknown
  • 2104–2108
    • Chief Judge McGruder
    • Judge Creed
    • Judge Herpert
    • Psi-Judge Omar
    • Tek-Judge Renbow
Illustration by Cliff Robinson
Illustration by Cliff Robinson
  • 2108 (for one day only)
    • Chief Judge McGruder
    • Judge Creed
    • Judge Herpert
    • Tek-Judge Renbow
    • Psi-Judge Shenker
  • 2108–2110
    • Chief Judge Silver
    • Psi-Judge Shenker
    • Tek-Judge Brufen
    • Judge Grimlet
    • Judge Hershey
  • 2110–2112
    • Chief Judge Silver
    • Psi-Judge Shenker
    • Judge Grimlet
    • Judge Hershey
    • Judge-Tutor Odell
  • 2116 Interim Council
    • Psi-Judge Shenker
    • Judge Hershey
    • SJS Judge Niles
  • 2116–2117 Council of Five restored
    • Chief Judge Volt
    • Deputy Chief Judge Herriman
    • Psi-Judge Shenker
    • Judge Hershey
    • SJS Judge Niles
  • 2117–2120
    • Deputy Chief Judge Herriman
    • Psi-Judge Shenker
    • Judge Hershey
    • SJS Judge Niles
    • Judge Ramos
  • 2120–2122
    • Deputy Chief Judge Hershey
    • Psi-Judge Shenker
    • SJS Judge Niles
    • Judge Ramos
    • Tek-Judge McTighe
  • 2122 (for one day only)
    • Chief Judge Hershey
    • PSU Judge Niles
    • Tek-Judge McTighe
    • Judge Ramos
    • Judge Dredd
  • 2122–2123
    • PSU Judge Niles
    • Tek-Judge McTighe
    • Judge Ramos
    • Vacant
    • Vacant
  • 2123–present
    • PSU Judge Niles
    • Tek-Judge McTighe
    • Judge Ramos
    • SJS Judge Buell
    • Judge Hollister

[edit] Statistics

  • Violent deaths: Of the 19 ex-councillors on the above lists, 11 were removed from the Council by violent death. Three of those were killed by the Dark Judges (Grimlet, Herriman and Silver). Four were killed during the Apocalypse War. Their average term of office was 3¼ years, compared with 5½ years among ex-councillors overall.
  • Chief judges: Three councillors became chief judge (McGruder, Silver and Hershey). Two others joined the Council ex officio because they had become chief judge (Griffin and Volt).
  • Terms of office: The longest term served on the Council was 14 years by Shenker. However this includes four years (2112–2116) during which the Council was suspended. If only ten years of Shenker's record are counted, then they have already been surpassed by Niles' twelve (as of 2006). The shortest term is one day, an ad hoc temporary appointment served by Dredd.
  • Backgrounds: Seven councillors were street judges at the time of their elevation to the Council (including Herriman). The Academy of Law provided four (Griffin, Silver and Pepper were tutors before they became chief and deputy chief judges). Ten were/are heads of their divisions: the SJS, Psi Division and Tek Division providing three judges each, and Accounts one.

[edit] See also

  • Judge Goodman, founder of the Council.
  • Judge Solomon, one of the original members of the Council (mid 21st century).
  • Morton Judd, former member of the Council (late 21st century) and rogue judge.

v  d  e
Judge Dredd
Judges: Mega-City One: Judge Anderson • Judge Buell • Judge Castillo • Galen DeMarco • Judge Dredd • Judge Edgar • Chief Judge Fargo • Judge Giant • Judge Goodman • Judge Grice • Judge Griffin • Judge Guthrie • Judge Hershey • Judge Janus • Judge Karyn • Judge McGruder • Mechanismo • Judge Niles • Judge Shenker • Judge Silver • Judge Solomon • Judge Volt

Other: Detective-Judge Armitage • Johnny Woo • Devlin Waugh • Shimura

Villains: Angel Gang • Mean Machine Angel • President Booth • Oola Blint • Judge Cal • Dark Judges • Judge Death • Armon Gill • Morton Judd • Kleggs • Judge Kraken • Stan Lee • PJ Maybe • Nero Narcos • Sov Judge Orlok • Rico Dredd • Jacob Sardini • Shojun the Warlord
Characters: Chopper • Vienna Dredd • Fergee • Minor Characters • Yassa Povey • Otto Sump • Walter the Wobot
Storylines: "America" • "Apocalypse War" • "Block Mania" • "City of the Damned" • "The Cursed Earth" • "The Dead Man" • "Democracy" • "Judge Child" • "Judge Dredd vs. Aliens" • "Judgement Day" • "Judgement on Gotham" • "Mechanismo" • "Necropolis" • "Predator vs. Judge Dredd" • "Origins" • "The Robot Wars" • "Judge Dredd in Oz"
Spin-offs: Banzai Battalion • Low Life • Red Razors • The Simping Detective
Crossovers: "Judge Dredd vs. Aliens" • "Judgement Day" • "Judgement on Gotham" • "Predator vs. Judge Dredd"
Locations: Academy of Law • Brit-Cit • Ciudad Barranquilla • Cursed Earth • East Meg One • Grand Hall of Justice • Hondo City • Mega-City One • Mega-City Two • Pan-Africa • Statue of Judgement • Undercity
Other media: Judge Dredd film • Dredd vs, Death computer game • Judge Dredd role-playing game
Publications: 2000 AD • Dice Man • Judge Dredd Megazine • Zarjaz
Miscellaneous: 2000 AD crossovers • 2000 AD glossary • Atomic Wars • Chief Judge of Mega-City One • City Block • Council of Five • Diktatorat • Lawgiver • Long Walk • Mayor of Mega-City One • Psi Division • Public Surveillance Unit • SJS • Sky-surfer • Technology