Cosmochemical Periodic Table of the Elements in the Solar System
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In cosmochemistry, the Cosmochemical Periodic Table of the Elements in the Solar System is a periodic table that lists all known chemical elements. In addition, it supplements the standard periodic table with extra information for each element, including its condensation temperature, abundance information in the solar system, and geochemical significance. The table was developed by Dr. Katharina Lodders, a Senior Research Scientist at Washington University, in 2003.
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[edit] Abundance
The following table shows the elements and their abundance measured in number of atoms found per 1,000,000 atoms of silicon.
Element Abundance (Si=1×106) H 2.43×1010 He 2.343×109 Li 55.47 Be 0.7374 B 17.32 C 7.079×106 N 1.950×106 O 1.413×107 F 841.1 Ne 2.148×106 Na 57510 Mg 1.020×106 Al 84100 Si 1.000×106 P 8373 S 444900 Cl 5237 Ar 102500 K 3692 Ca 62870 Sc 34.20 Ti 2422 V 288.4 Cr 12860 Mn 9168 Fe 838000 Co 2323 Ni 47800 Cu 527 Zn 1226 Ga 35.97 Ge 120.6 As 6.089 Se 65.79 Br 11.32 Kr 55.15 Rb 6.572 Sr 23.64 Y 4.608 Zr 11.33 Nb 0.7554 Mo 2.601 Ru 1.900 Rh 0.3708 Pd 1.435 Ag 0.4913 Cd 1.584 In 0.1810 Sn 3.733 Sb 0.3292 Te 4.815 I 0.9975 Xe 5.391 Cs 0.3671 Ba 4.351 La 0.4405 Hf 0.1699 Ta 0.02099 W 0.1277 Re 0.05254 Os 0.6738 Ir 0.6448 Pt 1.357 Au 0.1955 Hg 0.4128 Tl 0.1845 Pb 3.258 Bi 0.1388 Ce 1.169 Pr 0.1737 Nd 0.8355 Sm 0.2542 Eu 0.09513 Gd 0.3321 Tb 0.05907 Dy 0.3862 Ho 0.08986 Er 0.2554 Tm 0.0370 Yb 0.2484 Lu 0.03572 Th 0.03512 U 9.31×10−3
[edit] See also
- abundance of the chemical elements
- chemical composition of living beings
- chemical makeup of the human body
- Chemical Galaxy (a new periodic table)
[edit] References
- Whitehouse, Dr. David (2003). Revised table of atoms proposed. Retrieved Oct. 25, 2003 from