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Corazzieri official seal
Corazzieri official seal
Corazzieri on Parade
Corazzieri on Parade

The Cuirassiers' Regiment (Reggimento Corazzieri, previously Comando Carabinieri Guardie del Presidente della Repubblica) are an Italian elite military unit and the honor guard of the President of the Italian Republic.

Members of the unit, which is a specialized company of the Carabinieri, are distinguished by their uniforms and height (the minimum height for admission is 190 cm, or 6 feet 3 inches).

The unit's history dates back to the late 14th century, when the Red Count used a lifeguard of archers. In the 16th century, Emmanuel Philibert re-organized the Savoiard army, creating a personal guard unit of mounted archers (Guardia D'Onore), which fought brilliantly in the Battle of St. Quentin (1557). This guard saved Charles Emmanuel I during the siege of Mons (1590). Charles Emmanuel created a company of curassiers (Compagnia Corazzieri del Duca), and this unit was enlarged by his successors until 1854, when the Carabinieri received the role of guards of the King during the campaigns. On 7 February 1868, for the wedding of Prince Umberto to Margherita of Savoy, a mounted honor guard of 80 Carabinieri was formed, called the Squadrone Carabinieri Guardie del Re. The new unit was formally recognized as Carabinieri Guardie del Re on 7 January 1870, when it was entrusted with the safety of the king.

After the end of the Kingdom of Italy, and the proclamation of the Republic, the unit was re-founded in 1946, and organized as a cavalry squadron.

In February 2006, the Corazzieri took part in the flag-raising ceremony of the XX Winter Games in Torino, Italy.

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Law enforcement agencies of Italy
Regular Carabinieri | Polizia di Stato | Polizia Provinciale | Guardia di Finanza | Polizia Penitenziaria | Corpo Forestale dello Stato
Specialized Corazzieri | Nucleo Operativo Centrale di Sicurezza | Gruppo di Intervento Speciale | Gruppo di Investigazione Criminalità Organizzata | Polizia Postale | Polizia Stradale | Polizia Ferroviaria
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