Cora (hypermarket)
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Cora is a retail group based in France which owns several supermarket and hypermarket chains internationally. Formed in 1974, the corporation's brands include Match, Profi, Truffaut, Ecomax, Animalis, SNTC and Houra, as well as Cora-branded hypermarkets.
[edit] Cora worldwide
Cora hypermarkets can be found mainly in France, as well as Belgium, Hungary and Romania. In Romania, Cora currently has two hypermarkets in Bucharest, which are the largest hypermarkets in Romania. The company opened it's third Romanian hypermarket in the city of Cluj-Napoca at the end of 2006, where it already has three Profi discount supermarkets.
In Hungary the company has seven hypermarkets, three in the Budapest municipality (Budakalász, Fót, Törökbálint), and four in other cities (Debrecen, Miskolc, Szeged, Szolnok).