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Cover of the CORPS core rule book
Designer(s) Greg Porter
Publisher(s) Blacksburg Tactical Research Center
Publication date 1998
Genre(s) Universal
System CORPS

The CORPS game system, or Complete Omniversal Role Playing System, is a generic role-playing game system. It was created by Greg Porter in 1998.

When the game was first published, it was available in game stores and conventions. Beginning in 2003, BTRC ended publication of its game books and related materials. They are available only in a PDF format download, or printed on demand.


[edit] History

In 1987, BTRC published its first game, Timelords, in which players played characters based upon themselves in a time travel setting. As a time travel/science fiction based game crossing many possible settings, much of the groundwork was already laid for converting the base system into a truly universal RPG, and in fact some players were already using it as a generic game system. The CORPS system is loosly based on the Timelords system, but dropping realism in exchange for speed and playability.

The CORPS game book was first published in 1998 in a small (by comparison to other RPGs) print run and limited marketing. This was standard business practice for BTRC, which has tried to never go into excessive debt to introduce a product. The system was initially criticized for not being a truly universal RPG, focusing only on human centered settings. BTRC attempted to learn from this criticism and make changes in the design of its next universal system, EABA.

[edit] System

CORPS uses a custom d10 based system for most actions.

[edit] Characters

A character in CORPS is built based on two types of statistic called Attributes and Skills. These are purchased in a points based system, using Attribute Points (AP) to purchase attributes, and Skill Points (SP) to purchase skills. The total number of points available to spend depends on the setting and Game Master. A "normal" human might start with 100AP and 50SP, while a superhero character might start with 150AP and SP (or more).

[edit] Attributes

Attributes are ranked on a 1-10 scale, with an average human rating a 4-5 in any one attribute. CORPS uses six basic Attributes: Strength, Agility, Awareness, Willpower, Health and Power.

The cost of an Attribute is the square of the Attribute rank purchased, so a Strength of 4 would cost 16AP, and an Agility of 5 would cost 25AP.

[edit] Skills

Skills are effectively bonuses to an attribute score applied to a specific area. Each skill is tied to an attribute, and has a maximum value equal to that attribute. For example, firearms is tied to Agility - a character with an Agility of 4 could only purchase a firearms skill of 4.

Skills are further broken down into Primary, Secondary and Tertiary skills. These break down specializations of specific skills. Secondary skills have a maximum level of one-half of the associated Primary skill, and Tertiary skills have a maximum level of one-half of the associated Secondary skill. For example, the character with the firearms skill of 4 may decide to also purchase the associated Secondary skill of rifle with a maximum of 2, and the Tertiary skill of M-16A2 with a maximum of 1. This character could then use an M-16A2 rifle with a total skill of 7.

[edit] Success Rolls

To keep the system simple and fast moving, success rolls are not needed for many actions. Any action a character may attempt is rated based on difficulty. If the character's appropriate skill level is higher than the difficulty, the action succeeds automatically. If it is lower, the player may roll 1d10. If they roll less than 11 minus the difference between their skill and the difficulty of the action times 2, they succeed.

For example, the character above with a total skill of 7 attempts an action with a difficulty of 8. It is higher than his skill, so its not automatic. The difference is only 1, so he needs to roll a 9 or less. (11 - (2x1) = 9). If the action had a difficulty of 9, he would need to roll a 7 or less.

While it may seem confusing at first, this system makes success rolls very quick and predictable. The only rolls ever needed are 9, 7, 5, 3, or 1. Any action with a difficulty more than 5 points higher than a character's skill is therefore impossible.

[edit] Advancement

Characters do not gain levels, but advance by increasing their skills and attributes. During play, characters earn experience points they may use to improve themselves. The cost to increase a skill or attribute is the difference between the cost of the level they currently have, and the cost of the level they want. Therefore, to improve a Strength score from 5 to 6 would cost 11 points ( 6² - 5² = 11).

[edit] CORPS Related Games

  • Timelords, a CORPS version of the original game
  • Dreamtime, a mythical history setting
  • Apocalypse, a dark future setting

[edit] References